[Neurodebian-users] ReproNim (Reproducible Neuroimaging) SFN Training Nov. 2-3

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Wed Sep 12 17:57:46 BST 2018

Dear NeuroDebian folks,

If you are going to SfN, I would like to invite you to join the
pre-SfN training event where you might see some of the familiar
name/face(s) and learn more about how to make your neuroimaging research
more efficient and reproducible.


----- Forwarded message from info at humanbrainmapping.org -----

Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 10:38:05 -0500
From: info at humanbrainmapping.org
To: yoh at dartmouth.edu
Subject: ReproNim SFN Training Nov. 2-3

                         ReproNim SFN Training Nov. 2-3                       
   Register: https://tinyurl.com/repronim-sfn18                               
   An increasing body of evidence point to some issues in reproducibility in  
   biomedical or life sciences, raising concerns in the scientific community. 
   ReproNim has developed a curriculum that will give the students the        
   information, tools and practices to perform repeatable and efficient       
   research and a map of where to find the resources for deeper practical     
   This training workshop will introduce material on the key aspects of       
   reproducible brain imaging and will orient attendees using a hands on and  
   practical experience to conduct neuroimaging analyses, using the next      
   generation of tools.  By the end of this course, the student will be aware 
   of training materials and concepts necessary to perform reproducible       
   research in neuroimaging. The student will be able to reuse these          
   materials to conduct local workshops and training and be able to customize 
   the training for their specific scenario.                                  
   If you are a student, postdoc or researcher in life science who directly   
   works with neuroimaging data - or wish to work with these data, and you    
   have some basic computational background, this training workshop is for    
   you. You should have already done either some R, or Python, or Matlab or   
   Shell scripting, or have used standard neuroimaging tools (SPM, FSL, Afni, 
   FreeSurfer, etc) and be engaged in a neuroimaging research project. You    
   should have already completed a neuroimaging analysis or know how to do    
     Module Reproducibility Basics: Friday Nov. 2. 9am-10:45am.               
   This module guides through three topics, which are in the heart of         
   establishing and efficiently using common generic resources: command line  
   shell, version control systems (for code and data), and distribution       
   package managers. Gaining additional skills in any of those topics will    
   help you to not only become more efficient in your day-to-day research     
   activities, but also would lay foundation in establishing habits to make   
   your work more reproducible.                                               
     Module FAIR Data: Friday Nov. 2. 11am-12:45.                             
   This module provides an overview of strategies for making research outputs 
   available through the web, with an emphasis on data. It introduces         
   concepts such persistent identifiers, linked data, the semantic web and    
   the FAIR principles. It is designed for those with little to no            
   familiarity with these concepts. More technical discussions can be found   
   in the reference materials.                                                
     Module Data Processing: Friday Nov. 2. 2pm-3:45pm.                       
   This module teaches you to perform reproducible analysis, how to preserve  
   the information, and how to share data and code with others. We will show  
   an example framework for reproducible analysis, how to annotate,           
   harmonize, clean, and version brain imaging data, how to create and        
   maintain reproducible computational environments for analysis and use      
   dataflow tools to capture provenance and perform efficient analyses        
   (docker) and other tools.                                                  
     Module Statistics: Friday 4pm-5:15pm                                     
   The goal of this module is to teach brain imagers about the statistical    
   aspects of reproducibility.  This module should give you a critical eye on 
   the current literature and the knowledge to do solid statistical analysis, 
   understand the limitations of p-values, the notion of power and of         
   positive predictive values and how to represent evidence for results.      
     Reproducible publication project - Saturday 9am-12:00                    
   This is an hands on session: small groups will work with the instructors   
   on the steps to deliver a fully reproducible publication.                  
   Location: University of California San Diego (detail of location will be   
   given by email)                                                            
   Dates: November 02-03, 2018.                                               
   How to register: https://tinyurl.com/repronim-sfn18                        
   Costs:  25$.                                                               
               Friday November 2nd:                                           
                           8:30-9am: Introduction to the course and           
   participants “setup”                                                       
                           9am-10:45: Reproducibility Basics                  
                           10:45-11am : Coffee break                          
                           11am-12:45: FAIR data                              
                           12:45-2pm : Lunch+coffee                           
                           2pm-3:45: Data Processing                          
                           3:45-4pm: coffee break                             
                           4pm-5:15pm: Statistics for reproducible analyses   
               Saturday November 3rd:                                         
                           9am-9:30: Questions and answers and feedback session                                                                    
                           9:30-12pm:  The Re-executable Micro Publication Challenge                                                                  
                                     During this time, we will propose a small challenge around producing an entirely re-executable                 
                                     neuroimaging analysis from fetching data to producing statistical results. This will also be a                      
                                     time with close interactions with        
   neuroimaging experts in data handling and analysis.                        
                           12pm-12:30: Closing session: feedback and future: “become a trainer”.                                                        
   Online office hours will be held prior to the workshop. Registered         
   attendees will receive information via email.                              
   Instructors: J. Bates, S. Ghosh, J. Grethe, Y. Halchenko, M. Hanke, C.     
   Haselgrove, S. Hodge, D. Jarecka, D. Keator, D. Kennedy, M. Martone, N.    
   Nichols, S. A. Abraham, J.-B. Poline, N. Preuss, M. Travers, and others    
   This workshop is brought to you by ReproNim: A Center for Reproducible     
   Neuroimaging Computation NIH-NIBIB P41 EB019936                            

----- End forwarded message -----

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience     http://centerforopenneuroscience.org
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
WWW:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/yarik        

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