[Nut-upsdev] APC 1500RM / NUT 2.0.3 / newhidups / Solaris 10 [long]

Marty Lee marty at upstart-solutions.co.uk
Fri Mar 10 00:04:16 UTC 2006

Peter Selinger wrote:
> Marty Lee wrote:
>> Folks, while I've got the above combination to compile and run under
>> Solaris 10, it seems that there are still problems in the libusb/ugen
>> driver stack from Sun and or the APC Smart UPS 1500, so things aren't
>> actually working.
>> It seems that the APC Smart UPS 1500RM doesn't return the HID descriptor
>> length information in 0x21 as noted in a previous thread, but in my
>> case, it also doesn't return it in 0x02 either.
> Is there a working 'lsusb' (or equivalent) for Solaris? What does it
> show for the report descriptor length?
> -- Peter

I haven't really looked for an lsusb on Solaris yet, but after George's
offer, realised that there is a linux box sitting right next to the
Solaris one, so plugged the usb into that instead and was then able to
run the get_descriptor code, as posted earlier.

It now seems that the APC is doing exactly the same as the previous
post- the 0x21 data returns length fields of 'f3 f1', and the
0x02 data does include the same data as the 0x21, with the exception
of the corrected length fields - '10 04' - again, just like the
previous post.

So, back to the drawing board for me. It would now seem that the
libusb/ugen combination in Solaris is masking the APC 0x21 data,
to the point it's different between Solaris and linux.

I'm working with some folks at Sun at the moment, so I'll see if
either Nevada (Solaris 11) or the next update of Solaris 10 is likely
to add new libusb/ugen functionality. It may well be that this problem
is just because libusb on Solaris is still in it's infancy, or it may
already be fixed, just in the process of being released/patched.

Thanks for all your suggestions, and since I've now got some serial-usb
adapters, I can still get a working system. Look forward to the update
for nut later in march, and hopefully by then, I'll have more
information/progress with the Solaris side. For now, it looks close,
but no cigar.

Many regards


Marty Lee                         e: marty at upstart-solutions.co.uk
Technical Director                v: +44 131 476 3775
Upstart Solutions Ltd             f: +44 871 433 8922
Scotland, UK                      w: http://www.upstart-solutions.co.uk

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