[Nut-upsdev] Fenton UPS driver -- unknown UPS report

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Sat Jan 20 07:03:38 CET 2007

"Carlos Rodrigues" <carlos.efr at mail.telepac.pt> writes:

G'day Carlos.  Thanks for the rapid response.

> You should try the "megatec" driver, as "fentonups" is obsolete (it
> has already been removed from the development branch).

OK.  I used the 'fentonups' driver based on the listing for the SMK-800
unit in the "Compatibility" section of the NUT website.  Should I seek
out a webmaster address to ask them to update this, or is mentioning it
here sufficient?

Anyway, I checked the changelogs and 2.0.5 lists improvements to the
megatec driver so I went ahead and upgraded to the newer release.  

Things are not quite right yet, but there is progress:

root at anu:/etc/nut# upsdrvctl start smk800
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5
Network UPS Tools - Megatec protocol driver 1.5 (2.0.5)
Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2006

Megatec protocol UPS detected [M+H SMK-800 2000 V6.2].
This UPS has an unsupported combination of battery voltage/number of batteries.

The device has 2 x 12v batteries in series to provide 24 volt internal
operation.  NUT still sees the voltage as off by a factor of ten,

I figure that the protocol traces and responses are probably useful, so
I have one appended to this message.  The trace is:

 * start the driver against the UPS while connected to mains
 * disconnect the mains, dropping reported internal voltage to 22V
 * reconnect the mains, raising internal voltage to 24V again

If I can do anything further to help please let me know.


root at anu:/etc/nut# /lib/nut/megatec -a smk800 -D -D -D
Network UPS Tools - Megatec protocol driver 1.5 (2.0.5)
Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2006

debug level is '3'
Starting UPS detection process...
Attempting to detect the UPS...
Sending "Q1" command...
"Q1" command successful.
Attempting to detect the UPS...
Sending "Q1" command...
"Q1" command successful.
Attempting to detect the UPS...
Sending "Q1" command...
"Q1" command successful.
Attempting to detect the UPS...
Sending "Q1" command...
"Q1" command successful.
Attempting to detect the UPS...
Sending "Q1" command...
"Q1" command successful.
0 out of 5 detection attempts failed (minimum failures: 2).
Asking for UPS information ("I" command)...
UPS information: M+H             SMK-800    2000 V6.2
Megatec protocol UPS detected [M+H SMK-800 2000 V6.2].
Asking for UPS power ratings ("F" command)...
UPS power ratings: 240.0 004 024.0 50.0
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.40 34.0 00000000
24.0V battery, present voltage (2.4V) outside of supported intervals.
This UPS has an unsupported combination of battery voltage/number of batteries.
Done setting up the UPS.
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.40 34.0 00000000
dstate_init: sock /var/run/nut/smk800 open on fd 5
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.40 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.40 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 000.0 000.0 257.0 040 00.0 2.40 34.0 10000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 000.0 000.0 241.0 038 00.0 2.30 34.0 10000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 000.0 000.0 240.0 038 00.0 2.20 34.0 10000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 000.0 000.0 240.0 038 00.0 2.20 34.0 10000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 000.0 000.0 241.0 038 00.0 2.20 34.0 10000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 246.0 246.0 238.0 040 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 238.0 040 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 238.0 040 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 248.0 248.0 238.0 040 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 248.0 040 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 247.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 248.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Asking for UPS status ("Q1" command)...
UPS status: 247.0 248.0 248.0 038 50.0 2.20 34.0 00000000
Signal 2: exiting

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