[Nut-upsdev] upsd segfault.

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Mon Dec 22 16:07:31 UTC 2008

Citeren Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com>:

>> Can this narrow it down?

Yes, it's clear to me what happened.

>> Have not done so much with the daemon code, so I think
>> Arjen is the man for this.

I'm afraid so... :-(

> The code in http://boxster.ghz.cc/projects/nut/changeset/1429 handles
> things differently, but I am confused as to why the new code doesn't
> catch that case properly if the old code worked.

Previously we would explicitly check if sptr was a NULL pointer. This  
was missed in commit r1429, so depending on what the state tree looks  
like at the moment of calling dstate_delinfo(), we risk referencing a  
NULL pointer. Oops.

> It may be something in the code that calls this function, too.

This should be fixed in r1666.

Best regards, Arjen
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