[Nut-upsdev] Sweex 1000VA UPS (Lakeview Research)

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Tue Dec 23 21:26:13 UTC 2008

Citeren Peter van Valderen <dosperios at gmail.com>:


> Still seems to work, apart from usb_set_configuration() failing once.
> The second attempt invariably gets it. Is this satisfactory?

Fair enough, we'll keep it as it is. I intended to rewrite the generic  
USB open/close functions anyway, so this went in as well. I committed  
an updated driver to the trunk (now called 'richcomm_usb' for reasons  
already mentioned on this list before). Note that the  
usb_device_open() and usb_device_close() function are intended for  
general use by all USB drivers in the future. I didn't put these in  
usb-common yet, since we're very close to releasing a pre-version now,  
but this will be done after the next stable version hits the street  
(so probably will be in nut-2.4.1).

Could you check if I didn't break anything in the process? It would  
also be a great help if you could find the time to write a manual page  
for this UPS. It wouldn't be a problem to release it without one  
(since it is still flagged experimental), but it might be useful to  
let people know what to expect from this driver. I'm afraid we will be  
hit by people asking why they don't get any more information from the  
driver anyway, since a dry-contact-like functionality is not what  
people will expect from a USB interface.

Best regards, Arjen
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