[Nut-upsdev] Sun Freeware Was: Re: SUN_LIBUSB

Tim Rice tim at multitalents.net
Wed Dec 30 18:32:53 UTC 2009

On Wed, 30 Dec 2009, Charles Lepple wrote:

> On Dec 30, 2009, at 9:21 AM, "Wallis, Chase Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEA"
> <Chase.Wallis at hill.af.mil> wrote:
> > > * libusb (I assume it's from Sun Freeware?)
> > 
> >   0.1.7 - It's the libusb that comes with Solaris, in
> > /usr/sfw/lib. I actually searched Sun Freeware and couldn't find it
> > anywhere. If it is there, could you point it out for me?
> Sorry for the confusion- I remember someone mentioning the path before, and I
> assumed that /usr/sfw/lib was part of Sun Freeware, not the base OS.

It is quite confusing.
Unfortunatly the term Sun Freeware is used for many things. 

------< snip from http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/ >------------
    * sfw contains the sources for the SFW (Sun Freeware) consolidation 
      which delivers its content (third party and open source software)
      into /usr/sfw as an integral part of the Solaris OS, and should not
      be confused with the Freeware Companion CD/DVD.
Source can be found at http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/sfw/usr/src/

Then there are the bits they put on the Freeware Companion CD/DVD which
are installed in /opt/sfw.

Then there is the totaly seperate project (although sponspored by Sun)

Tim Rice				Multitalents	(707) 887-1469
tim at multitalents.net

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