[Nut-upsdev] Evolution of the driver.list file

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Tue Oct 20 07:10:49 UTC 2009

Citeren Arnaud Quette <aquette.dev op gmail.com>:

> - Arjen, Charles, Kjell, Alex: can you please check your drivers?
> - All: I may have missed or overcome something! please review this file.
> and send back your comments.

- megatec (and blazer_ser, which should be added to all drivers that  
are are supported by it) are based on a publicly available protocol  
(we even have it on the website), so I think these should have support  
status '3'

- megatec_usb (and blazer_usb) is based on the roughly the same core  
protocol as megatec (and blazer_ser), however since the USB part is  
entirely based on reverse engineering I would regard them as having  
support status '1' (although one might argue that the availability of  
the core protocol warrants '2')

- powerpanel and safenet should indeed have support status '1'

- netxml-ups should indeed have support status '5'

- remove the cyberpower driver from the list

Best regards, Arjen
Please keep list traffic on the list

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