[Nut-upsdev] liebert-esp2 patch (3-phase support)

Richard Gregory R.Gregory at liverpool.ac.uk
Fri Apr 23 11:34:48 UTC 2010

Hi Spiros,

There appears to be only two routes, ask the ups for a scaling number 
using some obscure command, or make the scaling model specific and build 
the different possibilities into the driver. Obviously the former is 
preferable because it doesn't require prior knowledge of each model.

So... does a command exist? Not sure if the list I have is complete.

If there is no command, we could be lucky and only the 3-phase models 
require this scaling, but that would be a running assumption. From what 
has been said in here, there are basically only two models to hand, the 
GXT2 and the NX, which is a small sample of what is available.


+--                               --+
|  Biological Sciences, Room 231    |
|  http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~greg   |
+--                               --+

Spiros Ioannou wrote:
> Richard, and others,  I would like some help finding out how to scale 
> measurements for different ups models. If you have any inspiration I'm 
> all ears.

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