[Nut-upsdev] Tripplite_usb

Wallis, Chase Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEA Chase.Wallis at hill.af.mil
Tue Jan 12 20:13:38 UTC 2010

He everyone,



I have a Tripplite SMART700DVa using the tripplite_usb from NUT 2.5 (rev
2217) driver running in Solaris 10x86. My driver hangs when trying to
connect. Once the driver sends the watchdog command ("W\0"), it can no
longer receive any signals and eventually exits. The UPS responds to
other watchdog commands ("W5" for example), but there doesn't seem to be
a way to disable it once enabled. From my communication with Tripp Lite,
it doesn't seem that the SMARTPRO 3003 protocol officially supports
Watchdog. I made some modification to tripplite_usb.c. This modified
code checks which protocol the UPS is using and then resets the watchdog
if it is not SMARTPRO protocol.





<             /* Reset watchdog: */

<             ret = send_cmd(w_msg, sizeof(w_msg), w_value,

<             if(ret <= 0) {

<                             if(ret == -EPIPE) {

<                                             fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE,
"Could not reset watchdog. Please check and"

<                                                             "see if
usbhid-ups(8) works with this UPS.");

<                             } else {

<                                             upslogx(3, "Could not
reset watchdog. Please send model "

"information to nut-upsdev mailing list");

<                             }

<             }




>             /* Reset watchdog: */

>             /* Watchdog not supported on TRIPP_LITE_SMARTPRO models */

>             if(tl_model != TRIPP_LITE_SMARTPRO ) {

>                             ret = send_cmd(w_msg, sizeof(w_msg),
w_value, sizeof(w_value)-1);

>                             if(ret <= 0) {

>                                             if(ret == -EPIPE) {

fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not reset watchdog. Please check and"

"see if usbhid-ups(8) works with this UPS.");

>                                             } else {

>                                                             upslogx(3,
"Could not reset watchdog. Please send model "

"information to nut-upsdev mailing list");

>                                             }

>                             }

>             }



I have had problems with Sun's libusb, so my issue might be with that.
But I am fairly confident that the SMARTPRO doesn't have a watchdog.
Does anyone have a Tripplite UPS with the SMARTPRO protocol that can
test this?


Chase Wallis


Air Force Civilian

Phone: (801) 586 5600

Address: 6137 Wardleigh Road, Bldg. 1515 Rm 178, Hill AFB UT, 84056-5843


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