[Nut-upsdev] Riello UPs implementation for NUT software

Massimo Zampieri M.Zampieri at riello-ups.com
Tue Apr 24 08:39:21 UTC 2012

Dear Sirs,
I'm Massimo Zampieri responsible for the software and connectivity accessories for Riello UPS.
I would like to list our UPS to NUT.
For this porpoise we will provide to you all the information requested as serial protocols, end even some ups in case.
We have 2 way to communicate with our ups via RS232 and USB (with our driver, but the source code will be provided in case) and via TCP/IP over SNMP protocol with RFC1628.

Thank you in advance and I hope to receive an answer soon.

Best regards.

Massimo Zampieri

Technical Marketing - UPS Software Product Manager
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago (VR)
Tel. +39 0442 635807 - Fax. +39 0442 635107 - Mobile: +39 335 7170247
Skype Id: massimozampieri - VoIp:
E-mail: M.Zampieri at riello-ups.com
Web: www.riello-ups.com<http://www.riello-ups.com>
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