[Nut-upsdev] nut_clock_* unit test ideas

VaclavKrpec at Eaton.com VaclavKrpec at Eaton.com
Tue Oct 16 10:34:31 UTC 2012

Hello Arnaud, Charles,

regarding the nut_clock_* iface unit testing,
I came to the following conclusion:

1/ It is IMO generally impossible to do deterministic
unit test; the problem in question is inherently
non-deterministic (I mean non-det. by nature).
Justification: the main reason is that we can't
perfectly predict the CPU time spent on computation,
mainly because we have multi-tasking; there might
be any number of context switches between almost
any states, so if we measure time with us/ns precisions,
we can't expect fitting times at that scale.

2/ This means that there will always be a possibility
of false-positive unit test case failure; it is therefore
inevitable to try to
i) decrease the case possibility to minimum
ii) think about whether we want to invalidate a build if
such a UT fails

ad i) The only thing I came with is usage of statistic
techniques: we should randomise the unit test and/or
run it multiple times. The meaningful deviation from
expected result shall be the avg/mean deviation (with all
the standard statistic tricks applied --- like extremes
cuts etc).  I also suggest that if there's a failure,
we could re-run the very same test case another time to see
whether the next run fails, again (thus eliminating possibility
of a temporary influence etc).

ad ii) I think the above should be quite enough to eliminate
false positive UT failure reports.  However, it's still not
certain (and can never be).  Therefore, we should decide whether
we want to be pessimistic or optimistic by default, i.e. whether
to invalidate the build or to just send a warning or something...

3/ The methods I'd use are actually quite simple; for the timestamps
difference (i.e. typical usage of the monotonic clock) validity
checking, I'd simply use select with ho descriptors and a timeout.
I'd take a timestamp before, after and compare the diff. with
the timeout.
In pseudo-code:


select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &to);

diff = nut_clock_sec_since(&ts);

ut_pass = abs((to.tv_sec + to.tv_usec / 1000000.0) - diff) < sigma;

(Note that this pseudo-code doesn't include application of the statistic
methods discussed above.)

I believe that cca 10 us precision is actually far the best we can hope
(actually, I think that we could accept even worse precision regarding
our practical needs).  This doesn't apply to the case of using the
time_t fallback, of course.

As of the RTC unit testing, I think that we might be OK with unit-sec
precision; if so, we can simply exec "date +%s" to make an "external
authority" to give us seconds since the Epoch and compare this with
what our iface provides.  Note that there is generally the problem
of "what if the UT is executed exactly at the time of clock change...?"
Yes, that's a bugger (sorry for my Greek), but the repeated execution
should filter such problems out (see 2/i).

... and that's it, actually.
I'll be more than glad to know if you have better ideas;
I know that's not much, but right now, it's all I've got
(I mean all what can be simply and safely done automatically upon
every build.)

Note that the statistic methods make the UT quite time consuming;
also note that it would actually be great if we could automate
tests like "shifting the system clock and check that the diff.
of 2 timestamps is still OK --- i.e. automatic UT of monotonic
clock.  However, I wouldn't want to actually mess with the buildslave
system clock...  It could be done on a virtual machine though;
so we would need a VM/QEMU and do make test, there...
That could be possible, but also quite complicated.

And that's indeed all I have.

As always, any comments, suggestions etc welcome,



Václav Krpec

Network UPS Tools project
Eaton Opensource Team

Eaton Elektrotechnika s.r.o. ~ S�dlo spolecnosti, jak je zaps�no v rejstr�ku: Kom�rovsk� 2406, Praha 9 - Horn� Pocernice, 193 00, Cesk� Republika ~ Jm�no, m�sto, kde byla spolecnost zaregistrov�na: Praha ~ Identifikacn� c�slo (ICO): 498 11 894 

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