[Nut-upsdev] Offer of Tripplite OMNIVS1500XL to official nut developer

Daniel Dickinson daniel at cshore.thecshore.com
Thu Sep 4 07:24:55 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I gave up on a Tripplite OMNIVS1500XL due to it failing to work on the
version of Nut in FreeNAS (and having experienced numerous issues on
Debian Jessie as well due to incomplete/unknown protocol elements
causing USB problems and Debian Wheezy doesn't even recognize the
device).  Since the issue is likely lack of information (i.e. unknown
protocol) I'm not sure my offer of device is meaningful, but if it is,
if there is an official NUT developer (and a means to verify that) in
Canada or the continental US, that is interested in said device in order
to test driver fixes / enhancements to get this device working, then I
am willing to ship, at my expense, the device I replaced with an Eaton
device (because a) I didn't see the note about Eaton no longer
supporting NUT and b) it's the best supported brand of the ones
available from my supplier as actually NUT supporting brands are few and
far between and consequently finding local suppliers for those brands is
impossible, at least as far in my location, or even online retailers
serving Southern Ontario with reasonable shipping fees and no import
issues; I've grown a distaste for dealing with customs and duties,
particularly since for the most part (with the exception of eBay's
global shipping program) one doesn't know what the charges will be until
they are levied, nor do I like paying at my door usually when I'm in
middle of trying to get paying work done, or worse yet when it's
interrupting a phone call).



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