[Nut-upsdev] Why not make money and sell Network UPS Tools App on the Mac and iOS App Stores?

Tony Watkin ozwatters at outlook.com
Sun Dec 9 08:28:07 GMT 2018

Hello Devs of NetworkUPS Tool.Org,

Like many people I have a UPS (CypberPower BR850ELCD) connected via USB to my Synology NAS but I would like my LAN clients (Apple Mac) to be able to get information about the status of the UPS, the UPS battery etc.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a Network UPS Tools App on either the iOS or Mac App stores. Surely this would be a golden opportunity for “NetworkUPSTools.org” to obtain revenue to fund ongoing development?

Please bring a network UPS monitoring app (compatible with CyberPower and APC UPS) to both the iOS and Mac App stores.


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