[Nut-upsuser] Shutdown after 5 minutes?

Peter Selinger selinger at mathstat.dal.ca
Sat Aug 26 16:00:55 UTC 2006

That is very odd indeed. Why should the system shut off abruptly? If
the log shows nothing, then it seems that the UPS just turned off the

I recommend testing this while attaching, say, a lamp to the UPS,
instead of a computer. (You can still use your computer to monitor the
UPS, just don't plug it into it!)

-- Peter

Rob wrote:
> > Upsmon is responsible for monitoring and reacting to power events.
> > See also the man pages for upsmon(8), upsmon.conf(5), upssched(8), and
> > upssched.conf(5). 
> > 
> > There could be many reasons your Windows machine lasts longer than
> > your Linux machine on their respective UPSs. Perhaps the battery on
> > the second one is older, or has lost some of its charge, or is lower
> > quality... Batteries tend to wear out quite easily, especially if they
> > are discharged and recharged a few times.
> > 
> > Did you try switching the two machines?
> On my system, I only have 1 UPS and I have monitored it in windows and 
> in Linux.  In windows, the same set of systems will properly wait until 
> the designated time to shutdown (>5 minutes).  When I boot into Linux, 
> my Linux system performs an abrupt poweroff after about 5 minutes.  I 
> notice that UPS has been shutoff, but that the system has not been 
> shutdown cleanly as the logs do not show a system shutdown and disks 
> need to be recovered on bootup.
> In windows, I monitored the power output and saw that the battery 
> drained very quickly down to 60%, and then stabilized.  I contacted 
> CyberPower about this and they stated that this is a normal discharge 
> pattern for SLA batteries.  Does NUT possibly detect the power drain 
> rate and perform an action based upon that?  Even if the UPS was sending 
> a low power indicator, I can't see why NUT wouldn't do a clean shutdown 
> of the system?
> Rob

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