[Nut-upsuser] Re: Xserve, USB, NUT

Ted nups at bjmoose.com
Sat Jan 7 22:12:16 UTC 2006

Thank you sir, I really appreciate your assistance. 

One reason though that I like NUT is the expanded UPS data available 
compared to the built-in that Apple has.  OS X tends to give you percent of 
battery, and that's in for info.  Nothing more available.  And no remote 
monitoring either.  And no way (as in my case) to have two systems on one 
UPS share shutdowns. 

I have another OS X box on a different APC UPS, I'll try that on 2.0.2 - how 
would I tell it had "stolen" the interface?  As I recall it did get the 
serial number and model numbers... 

Thanks again 


Charles Lepple writes: 

> On 1/7/06, Ted Bardusch <nups at bjmoose.com> wrote:
>> This is all on the exact same machine, yes.  The libusb is from
>> darwinports, looks like 0.1.10a_1 
>> On 2.0.2 of NUT the driver connected, but had no awareness of an APC
>> (as the docs state, newhidups on 2.0.2 only knew about MGE).   2.0.3
>> however fails to "steal" the USB connection from the default USB UPS
>> handler in OS X as the 2.0.2 version did.  Exact same machine, only
>> difference is the newer version of NUT (latest download of 2.0.3).
> Hmm, then the question in my mind is whether 2.0.2 really did claim
> the UPS, or if you just found a corner case where it got some generic
> USB information, but didn't actually do any HID transactions. 
> The thing is, although the libhid docs say to claim the interface
> first, you can sometimes still do other operations on the device. If
> the OS power management routines see your UPS, though, chances are
> that those other operations are going to interfere with what the OS is
> doing. 
> On OS X, with supported UPSes (APC, MGE, possibly others), the
> solution might be to connect to the power management routines, and
> avoid the whole "steal the USB interface" dilemma. I'll look into that
> later. 
> For now, a quicker solution might be to create a stub driver that
> prevents the HID toolbox from claiming the device. I'll try and dig up
> that code later today. 
> --
> - Charles Lepple

There are 4 boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, 
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