[Nut-upsuser] Support removed for newer Belkin 1200 VA UPS?

Justin Piszcz jpiszcz at lucidpixels.com
Mon Jul 30 14:08:44 UTC 2007

On Sat, 28 Jul 2007, Arjen de Korte wrote:

> Justin Piszcz wrote:
>> Thanks, any idea what is causing the low battery alarm for 2.0.5 but
>> before that no alarms?
> Beats me, I'm not the author of this driver. But now that nut-2.2.0 has
> been released, you should first check if the problem still exists in
> that version. We've had quite some changes since nut-2.0.5 came out, so
> chances are the problem no longer exists.
> If the problem persists, we'll need something more than the output you
> already posted. Especially, since the problem seems to occur
> irregularly, we need a log that captures at least one of these events.
>> From what I've seen so far, they just contain the startup sequence.
> Best regards, Arjen

Is there an ETA for 2.2.0 in Debian-testing?

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