[Nut-upsuser] Support removed for newer Belkin 1200 VA UPS?

Justin Piszcz jpiszcz at lucidpixels.com
Mon Jul 30 14:32:58 UTC 2007

On Mon, 30 Jul 2007, Arjen de Korte wrote:

> Justin Piszcz wrote:
>>> Beats me, I'm not the author of this driver. But now that nut-2.2.0 has
>>> been released, you should first check if the problem still exists in
>>> that version. We've had quite some changes since nut-2.0.5 came out, so
>>> chances are the problem no longer exists.
> In the mean time, I had time to talk to the author. This is a bug in the
> UPS, not in NUT. The problem is that when we receive a report
> 'UPS.PowerSummary.BelowRemainingCapacityLimit' (which triggers the low
> battery warning) on the interrupt pipeline (uninvited), it is wrong (bug
> in the UPS firmware). Only when we specifically ask for this report, it
> will show the right information.
> Previously we ignored this report through a gross hack in usbhid-ups,
> but this no longer works because of caching in the underlying routines
> (which is badly needed to prevent beating UPSes to death with repeatedly
> asking for the same information). Unfortunately, this will also cache
> the bogus information we receive from your UPS, which will pop up once
> in while when the cache hasn't expired.
>> Is there an ETA for 2.2.0 in Debian-testing?
> That one will have the same problems. We need to work around this
> (preferably in the belkin-hid subdriver), so upgrading to nut-2.2.0 will
> make no difference. Please note that this is due to a bug in the UPS
> software (sending out erroneous information), not in NUT. We'll keep you
> informed, so that when an updated version is available for testing, you
> can try it out. Can you compile NUT from the sources?
> Best regards, Arjen

> software (sending out erroneous information), not in NUT. We'll keep you
> informed, so that when an updated version is available for testing, you
> can try it out. Can you compile NUT from the sources?
Yes and thanks for following up on this-- will try them out when they're 


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