[Nut-upsuser] PowerWare 9120 via USB?

kenkyee at yahoo.com kenkyee at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 8 13:21:33 UTC 2007

"Arjen de Korte" wrote:
> 1) Apparently, this UPS needs to be told only to reply to specific
> requests and not send unsollicited status updates. The bcmxcp (serial)
> driver supposedly does this, the bcmxcp_usb (USB) doesn't. However, the
> UPS remembers the last status, so this might help.

FYI, I had this problem about a year ago w/ the 9120 and I believe that
was the same conclusion.  It'd be really nice to get the USB port working.
I've been using a serial->USB cable.

Also, AFAIK, you can't tell the UPS not to send unsolicited status
updates.  I'll bet it has something to do w/ their software.  They said
just run their software when I asked them to document the USB protocol
for their UPS ;-)


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