[Nut-upsuser] PW9120 - Shutdown condition?

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Fri Nov 9 13:17:46 UTC 2007

>> In general, shutdown will be triggered when the UPS is both on battery
>> *and* reporting low battery. The latter may or may not be user
>> configurable. In your case, it looks like the driver has no way of
>> changing this level, so when this actually happens depends on the UPS.
> So, for testing I would needto wait for the battery to actually run "dry".
> I can't make it happen sooner ?

Probably not.

> I'm aware of "upsmon -c fsd", but I want the UPS to trigger the shutdwon.

Still, it would be a good idea to test with 'upsmon -c fsd' first. You
want to make sure that shutdown command is sent to the UPS when going
down. Preferably when the system is *not* powered by the UPS, to see that
the system is halted before the power is lost. There is no need to deplete
the battery for that.

This will have to tested anyway, since you also want to verify that you're
not vulnerable to power races (see 'docs/shutdown.txt'). If the UPS is
briefly shut-off and restarted automatically, you're fine. The next
experiment should be the same command again, but now with the power to the
UPS removed. Now the UPS should remain off until your apply the mains

The last test is if everything works correctly if you create a power
outage when the system is powered by the UPS, but only if you've made sure
that the above steps are OK.

Best regards, Arjen

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