[Nut-upsuser] Nut problems with Centos and Belkin UPS

Tomáš Smetana tsmetana at redhat.com
Tue Nov 27 07:51:09 UTC 2007

On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 16:01:26 +0900
Richard Chapman <rchapman at aardvark.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Tomas and Arjen
> Thanks for your very expert assistance....
> We are definitely getting close to solving this. Maybe there is a 
> packaging problem - or maybe there is a problem somewhere else in my
> system.
> If I track down the ups usb port - and change the permissions of the 
> /dev/bus/usb/xxx/yyy  as suggested by Tomas - everything works fine -
> as far as I can tell so far at least.

I have a fixed udev rules file (I can send it to you off-list) that
should fix the problem.  Unfortunately I don't have a RHEL-5 system
with usb UPS anywhere around, so it may take some time for me to test
it.  After I do so I'll push an updated package to EPEL.

As for the removal of nut from RHEL: I don't know anything else about
the decision than you do.


Tomáš Smetana
Base OS Software Engineer, Red Hat
RH IRC: #brno #devel #base-os; Freenode IRC: #fedora-devel

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