[Nut-upsuser] Multiple ups/Belkin 1500VA no serial number

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Thu Jun 5 06:45:11 UTC 2008

> I'm setting up a cluster with multiple ups's using nut 2.2. The ups's are
> Belkin 1500 (ID 050d:0751) which don't appear to report a serial number.
> Is there any other way I can setup ups.conf with multiple of these ups
> over usb on Linux?
> If I just setup the vendor and product id's, every definition in ups.conf
> appears to match the first one, and therefore all of them but the first
> one  fails. Is there some undocumented matcher I can use to distinguish
> them, or some flag to tell the ups to simple skip ups that have already
> been matched?

The 'libusb' library doesn't provide the physical port number these
devices are connected to, so if you can't tell them apart through the
regular expressions, this isn't possible. Which in your case means, that
each UPS must have its own USB *root* device, as the only difference will
be the USB bus they're connected to. You can't monitor two devices that
are looking identical from the same USB bus.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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