[Nut-upsuser] Cyberpower/powerpanel error: Data stale

Seann Clark nombrandue at tsukinokage.net
Mon Oct 27 16:59:44 UTC 2008


    I have a Cyberpower UPS that I have been working with for about a 
year. I have used NUT in the past with good results, but as of late have 
been seeing issues with nut talking to the UPS. I will start with the 
information on the server that is running  NUT, and has the UPS 
connected VIA an RS232 cable.

O/S : Fedora 9
Kernal (uname -a): Linux haruhi #1 SMP Sat Sep 20 
03:23:12 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
rpmquery -a | grep nut-
Network UPS Tools - CyberPower driver 1.00 (2.2.2)
Memory: 4 GB

The details on the UPS:
Model: CPS1500AVR
Information on where I bought it (doubt this is needed, but it may be 
useful): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16842102006

    What I am seeing that is the problem now is that the driver starts 
correctly, and initially displays information back from the UPS, but on 
any subsequent reads of the UPS, I get the error:
Mon Oct 27-11:55:52-root at haruhi:ups> upsc cyberpower-ups
Error: Data stale

    I have just started seeing this error as the ups was moved to a 
newer system on a newer version of Fedora. the differences between the 
version was it was working on 2.1.x and not on 2.2.x. I would fall back 
to the old system but that was replaced due to catastrophic hardware 
failure, that wasn't power related.

Any help would be appreciated though, and I can provide even more 
information if it is needed.


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