[Nut-upsuser] NUT 2.4.1 crashes on FreeBSD - additional info

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Thu Feb 19 21:08:58 UTC 2009

Citeren Volker Theile <votdev op gmx.de>:

> Ahmmm, just wondering how this could happen and why nobody has realized
> this bug during the testing phase :-)

Testing can only confirm the presence of bugs, not the absence. This  
error was already present since (at least) January 2005, which  
probably means that you need to match a fairly specific set of  
conditions to run into problems here. Apparently, your system did.

Because problems with overflows for (void *) elements in function  
calls are difficult (if at all) possible to spot for compilers, this  
didn't trigger any alarms. The memset() function is probably not  
needed here anyway, so clearing the wrong (global) variable didn't  
lead to problems either. Depending on the size of both 'struct  
sockaddr_un' and 'struct sigaction' it may or may not lead to overflows.

Best regards, Arjen
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