[Nut-upsuser] [Nut-upsdev] Bug/Patch for NUT 2.6.0 ; usbhid-ups (libhid.c)

Carsten Burkhardt C.Burkhardt at b-c-s.de
Thu Feb 17 16:33:00 UTC 2011

> Citeren Richard Gerth <r.gerth.phd at gmail.com>:
>> Thank you for looking into this.   And thank you (to you and the other
>> developers) for NUT -- it's fantastic to have such a great open source
>> UPS application.
> Would you be willing/able to test future releases of NUT? One thing that
> we're currently lacking is a group of people that can check upcoming
> releases. Most of NUT is generic and can be tested by the developers,
> but when it comes to testing drivers we need the actual hardware (UPS).
> Since you have a device that behaves differently than the ones the
> developers have access to, I think it would be a good idea if you could
> confirm the usbhid-ups driver still works if we plan on releasing a new
> stable version.
> Best regards, Arjen

Do you mean such unsuccessfully test with new hardware same like attached file explore.txt?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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