[Nut-upsuser] upsd problem with NUT 2.6.1

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 02:56:08 UTC 2011

On Sep 1, 2011, at 7:59 PM, Kostas Oikonomou wrote:

> W.r.t. to Arnaud's suggestion, yes, I did that in order to get the  
> UPS working in the first place:
> pfexec /usr/sbin/add_drv -i '"usb9ae,1008.10"' -m '* 0660 nut ups'  
> ugen
> I verified that this is still valid by doing "prtconf -v" which  
> yields (sorry for long output)
> ....
> The important thing is the 'compatible' entry above, which includes  
> 'usb9ae,1008.10'.
> Anyhow, doesn't the fact that
> pfexec /opt/nut/2.6.1/bin/usbhid-ups -DD -a eco550 -u root
> works fine indicate that the ugen driver is ok?

The uhid -> ugen thing is only part of the problem. I assumed that the  
"0660 nut ups" part of the command was for permissions, but later you  
also mentioned another device node:

"Sorry for all these emails: finally, it was a permissions problem on  
the usb device itself, i.e.

/devices/pci at 0,0/pci103c,2a6c at 2/*

Thanks very much for all your help."

I have no idea how to get those permissions to stick, though.

Charles Lepple

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