[Nut-upsuser] APC Back-UPS CS and ES series

Lyndon Drake lyndon at arotau.com
Sun Aug 18 04:14:14 UTC 2013

I'm using FreeNAS 9.1, and I've just got an APC Back-UPS CS 500. In theory it's supported by NUT, but the latest released version (2.6.5) doesn't have support for it (the driver reports an error, which is apparently due to an overflow). According to a thread on the mailing list, Back-UPS ES series requires a fix that's in source control, and CS series requires an additional patch:


I'm happy to test an updated build, but have no idea about how to go about doing a build in the first place. Could someone help me in the process of creating a snapshot build for FreeNAS?


See also the following forum threads:

And a github commit which I think is related:


Lyndon Drake
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