[Nut-upsuser] Shutdown problem with Mecer 1000VA Online UPS

Johan Meiring jmeiring at pcservices.co.za
Fri Oct 25 08:48:45 UTC 2013


They say one should never argue with people that know more than you, so please bear with me.

On 2013/10/24 09:47 PM, hyouko at gmail.com wrote:
> The driver is expecting either 'ACK' or no reply at all in case of
> success and the command itself echoed back in case of errors.
> On the other hand, your UPS replies '(ACK' in case of success and
> '(NAK' on failure.

This I agree with, but...

> So.. when the driver first tries to stop pending shutdowns and you get
> the 'operation not permitted' error, the driver interprets it as a
> success.

Looking at the debug log, this is actually a failure.
The 'operation not permitted' is a comms failure with the UPS.

Later on in the debug log you can see where it tries to cancel the pending shutdown, a "(NAK" is sent, and not a 'operation not permitted' error.

In any case, this is actually considered to be a success by the code.
This is not right.

Code as follows:
418	/*
419	 * If a command is invalid, it will be echoed back
420	 */
421	if (blazer_command(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) {
422		upslogx(LOG_ERR, "instcmd: command [%s] failed", cmdname);
424	}
426	upslogx(LOG_INFO, "instcmd: command [%s] handled", cmdname);

As far as I understand the code line 421 tries to test for a 'comms failure' (e.g. driver disconnection) or any return string.  I also suspect that comms failures are negative numbers.
Should the test not be "!= 0".

What is clear though is that the code does not try to check the response.
If there was not a comms failure or a return string, it is considered handled.

Should it not also test for an "ACK" or "(ACK"?

> When it tries to shutdown.return and you get '(ACK', the driver
> interprets it as a failure..

Again looking at the code.
462 /*
463  * If a command is invalid, it will be echoed back.
464  * As an exception, Best UPS units will report "ACK" in case of success!
465  */
466 if (blazer_command(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) {
467 	if (strncmp(buf, "ACK", 3)) {
468 		upslogx(LOG_ERR, "instcmd: command [%s] failed", cmdname);
470 	}
471 }
473 upslogx(LOG_INFO, "instcmd: command [%s] handled", cmdname);

It seems from the code that the test on line 466 tests for comms failures 
(again e.g. driver disconnection) or a return string.  On line 467 if there was a failure, it checks for 'ACK' and this will override the failure.

Similarty the test on line 466 should probably be "!=0".
> You could try and change line 467 of blazer.c from this:
> if (strncmp(buf, "ACK", 3)) {
> to this:
> if (strncmp(buf, "(ACK", 4)) {
> ..this should do the trick.

The following patch might be better?

--- blazer.c.orig       2013-10-25 10:34:54.000000000 +0200
+++ blazer.c    2013-10-25 10:49:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -417,10 +417,13 @@

                 * If a command is invalid, it will be echoed back
+                * As an exception, some UPS units will report "ACK" or "(ACK" in case of success!
-               if (blazer_command(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) {
-                       upslogx(LOG_ERR, "instcmd: command [%s] failed", cmdname);
-                       return STAT_INSTCMD_FAILED;
+               if (blazer_command(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0) {
+                       if (strncmp(buf, "ACK", 3) && strncmp(buf, "(ACK", 4) ) {
+                               upslogx(LOG_ERR, "instcmd: command [%s] failed", cmdname);
+                               return STAT_INSTCMD_FAILED;
+                       }

                upslogx(LOG_INFO, "instcmd: command [%s] handled", cmdname);
@@ -461,10 +464,10 @@

         * If a command is invalid, it will be echoed back.
-        * As an exception, Best UPS units will report "ACK" in case of success!
+        * As an exception, some UPS units will report "ACK" or "(ACK" in case of success!
        if (blazer_command(buf, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) {
-               if (strncmp(buf, "ACK", 3)) {
+               if (strncmp(buf, "ACK", 3) && strncmp(buf, "(ACK", 4) ) {
                        upslogx(LOG_ERR, "instcmd: command [%s] failed", cmdname);
                        return STAT_INSTCMD_FAILED;

Is this the correct place to submit pathes?

> However, your UPS seems to speak an idiom that's more akin to the one
> covered by the voltronic drivers (i.e. the (ACK/(NAK replies) -
> available in the github repo - so maybe they're worth a try.

I looked at the voltronic.c file.
The protocol seems to be quite different.
The rest of the driver works perfectly.
(Unless voltronic firmware has an older "backwards compatible mode ??)

The UPS is also a Mecer, sold by a company called Mustek.
and the Blazer Driver seems to mention Mustek in a few places.

If you still think I must try it, I will gladly do so.



Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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