[Nut-upsuser] Unable to detect an APC Smart protocol UPS. Windows. APC Smart protocol driver 3.04 (2.6.5-3723:3731M)

dstrr dstrr at yandex.by
Tue Jan 14 16:16:00 UTC 2014

Unfortunately i can not try the latest version - 2.7.1, no binaries available for win32. 
In builds 2.6.1 - 2.6.4 no driver named apcsmart-old, only man page, dedicated to them.
i tried apcsmart from nut 2.6.1 - 2.6.4 with no success.
Thank You.

14.01.2014, 17:29, "Michal Soltys" <soltys at ziu.info>:
> On 2014-01-14 10:12, dstrr wrote:
>>  Hello.
>>  Trouble to communicate with APC SmartUPS via serial port.
>>  UPS connected to the com1 port on windows host.
>>  Communication witch hyperterm works well.
>>  There is a log:
>>  YSM
>>   ^ASmart-UPS SC1000
>>  n5S0713T63247
>>  m03/29/07
>>  L240.0
>>  B27.10
>>  apcupsd also can communicate with the UPS and works well.
>>  running apcsmart -a ups gives the following:
>>  com1: device reports different attributes than what were set
>>  unable to detect an APC Smart protocol UPS on port com1
>>  check the cabling, port name or model name and try again
> All issues related to certain sanity checks (and some misbehaviour)
> while setting up serial ports should be fixed in the current version of
> nut. Is it possible for you to try current version of nut ?
> There should be apcsmart-old present in your build as well, so if it's
> not possible - you can use the previous version easily.
>>  ups.conf:
>>  [ups]
>>          driver=apcsmart
>>          port=com1
>>          cable=940-0095B
>>          desc="test"
>>  Sysinternals Portmon captures the following activity on com1:
>>  0.00009862 apcsmart.exe IRP_MJ_WRITE Serial0 SUCCESS Length 1: 59                          Y
>>  0.00001090 apcsmart.exe IRP_MJ_READ Serial0 SUCCESS Length 1: 53                          S
>>  0.00000950 apcsmart.exe IRP_MJ_READ Serial0 SUCCESS Length 3: 4D 0D 0A          M [CR] [LF]
>>  1.48775808 apcsmart.exe IRP_MJ_READ Serial0 TIMEOUT Length 0:
>>  0.00010029 apcsmart.exe IRP_MJ_WRITE Serial0 SUCCESS Length 1: 1B                          [ESC]
>>  0.00001117 apcsmart.exe IRP_MJ_READ Serial0 SUCCESS Length 1: 4E                          N
>>  0.00000950 apcsmart.exe IRP_MJ_READ Serial0 SUCCESS Length 3: 41 0D 0A                  A [CR] [LF]
>>  Thus, apcsmart sends the Escape character, which is not recognised by UPS and returns NA.
>>  Is there a solution for this issue?
>>  Thank You and sorry for my English.
> The actual issue above was that when setting serial port, IGNCR was
> ignored and the new driver expected that to be honored. It's fixed in
> the current version (CR is always filtered now), but not in that
> particular build. Current driver also allows to use both canonical and
> raw modes, so should the former (default) fail, the alternative is
> available.

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