[Nut-upsuser] Nut 2.7.2 on OpenBSD 5.6 with APC USB UPS

Stan Gammons sg063015 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 03:04:23 UTC 2014

On 09/11/14 21:43, Charles Lepple wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2014, at 9:48 PM, Stan Gammons <sg063015 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have an APC USB UPS that was working on OpenBSD 5.5 with NUT 2.7.1   When I installed the latest 5.6 snapshot with NUT 2.7.2 the UPS no longer sends status messages when it loses line power.  I asked over on the OpenBSD ports list and so far haven't had any luck getting this to work again.  I disabled upd at boot as was suggested and that didn't change anything except stopping the random upd detached messages.
> Looking at the diffs between NUT 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 (including the OpenBSD patches), I don't see any changes in NUT that might cause this.
> Your ProductID of 0002 is old enough not to have the broken interrupt pipe firmware, but that expects the OS to handle USB Interrupt In transfers properly. Otherwise, it will take up to 30 seconds (pollfreq) to re-fetch all of the variables that the UPS should provide through the Interrupt In pipe.

I see a libusb_get_interrupt message in the log. Could that be the problem?

> I would try starting the driver with "-DDD", and capture that to a log:
> /usr/local/bin/usbhid-ups -DDD -a apcusb 2>&1 | tee /tmp/apcusb.log
> Let it run for about two minutes, then ^C, compress the log and mail it back to the list.
> You can also try reducing "pollfreq", although the reason for this was to prevent the UPS from tripping over itself by sending too much data. The "ups.status" bits should be polled in the fast polling cycle (2 seconds versus 30). Hopefully the log will have some error messages to explain why that is apparently not happening.

Here's the log file.  Hopefully it will attach Ok.

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