[Nut-upsuser] upd and OpenBSD (was Nut 2.7.2 on OpenBSD 5.6 with APC USB UPS)

Stuart Henderson stu at spacehopper.org
Sat Sep 27 10:19:01 UTC 2014

On 2014-09-23, Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com> wrote:
> In the mean time, it looks like we will have to document around this. Back to one of my earlier questions, what is the status of that patch that Stan posted from Stuart Henderson? From 5.6 onwards, is that sufficient for users to apply, or is there another patch needed to deconflict ugen and upd?

Basically, for devices claimed by any driver other than ugen(4), libusb
only allows reads and submitting control transfers.

The patch I sent for testing prevents APC UPS from attaching to uhidev(4)
and thus its subdrivers (upd in this case).

Other devices will need the vid/pid adding to /sys/dev/usb/usbdevs if
not already present, "make" in that dir if any was added, and a quirk
adding as in the patch I sent to Stan. This prevents that device from
attaching to uhidev and its sub-drivers such as upd(4).

An alternative (simpler) method for those not using USB HID devices with
kernel drivers (mice, keyboards, thermometers, etc) is the old method
of disabling uhidev ("boot -c" at the boot loader and "disable uhidev"
"quit", or modify an on-disk kernel with "config -ef /bsd").

I agree that being able to detach a USB device from a kernel device and
force it to ugen would be useful (whether it's done by libusb or another
method), I don't know if anyone has plans to do that.

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