[Nut-upsuser] how to install NUT on raspberry pi

Steve Ballantyne steve.ballantyne at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 11:53:17 UTC 2014

Hello Flavio,
Did any of the next steps after that one fail on you?  They may have
updated that package to create that link for you - or maybe they moved
the binary to that location in an update.  In that case, you can just
disregard that error and move along with the installation.

Steve Ballantyne
Network Engineer
MCSE/MCDST; Novell CLA; LPIC-1; CTT+; A+; Network+; Linux+; Server+;
I-Net+; Security+; SonicWALL CSSA

On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 5:44 PM, flavio <flavio.boschiggia at infineon.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve.
> Thanks for your tutorial.
> I was following on my raspberry pi with raspbian os.
> i have an error, when i run " sudo ln -s /usr/bin/autom4te
> /usr/local/bin/autom4te " i have this error messagge " ln: failed to
> create symbolic link `/usr/local/bin/autom4te': File exists ".
> Sorry but i'm not an expert as you....
> How can i fix it?
> It's important?
> Thanks!
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