[Nut-upsuser] OSX El Capitan - Fink - NUT

Philip Taylor philip at kelsotowers.co.uk
Mon Oct 5 17:12:28 UTC 2015


I can't offer any direct help, I'm afraid, but there are lots of issues for USB devices on El Capitan including apcupsd which probably has more users on Apple devices that NUT. You probably need to have a look on the Mac forums for confirmation.

Regards, Philip.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 5 Oct 2015, at 17:14, Ian Essendon <mayhem at essendonphoto.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I use NUT on a Mac to monitor a UPS which is connected to a NAS. When the NAS reports a low battery on the UPS it broadcasts and the Mac shuts down. Or it did.
> I have just upgraded to OSX 10.11 El Capitan. I have successfully upgraded Fink to 0.39.1. I now wish to update the NUT package, so that I can continue using upsmon etc. 
> However, although NUT is apparently stable for Fink under 10.11 (here), an install fails, with the error 
> "Can't resolve dependency "system-openssl-dev" for package "nut-2.7.3-1" (no
> matching packages/versions found)
> Exiting with failure.”
> It appears (here) that system-openssl-dev is not available for 10.11.
> Any suggestions gratefully received.
> Ian. 
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