[Nut-upsuser] Besoin d’aide pour upssched

Roger Price roger at rogerprice.org
Tue Jun 14 15:43:38 UTC 2016

On Tue, 14 Jun 2016, Philippe Le Mesle wrote:

> Roger? Can your read me?

I receive a single e-mail from you via the list.  Remember that the 
mailing list very probably removes duplicates.  If you do not receive a 
copy of your own messages to the list, check your options on the list 
administration page.

> The command from the command line works fine.

Then perhaps the way the UPS supplies power to other equipment is suspect. 
To check this, disconnect all the equipment connected to the UPS power 
outlets, leaving only the control line to the Linux box and the UPS input 
power cable.

Connect all that gear to a permanent wall power socket so that it is 
always powered, even if the UPS is turned off.  When everything is running 
again, pull the UPS power cord from the wall.  If the Linux box sends you 
an SMS, then you know that the SMS's are being blocked by some other 
equipment problem as suggested earlier.


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