[Nut-upsuser] Powercom INF-800 support

Larry Fahnoe fahnoe at fahnoetech.com
Sat May 28 17:18:49 UTC 2016

On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 12:04 PM, abi <abi at abinet.ru> wrote:

> UPS was powered. Actually, inverter of this particular UPS is broken (but
> undetected by it's logic), so I was unable to test it fully. I need UPS
> free of so called power race condition, however,

Maybe test the UPS with something like a light as the load rather than your
computer?  That way you'll see if it comes back up once power is returned,
unless of course the broken inverter causes other issues you can't see.

10.507657    refresh_report_buffer: expected 3 bytes, but got 2 instead
> and
> ups.timer.start: 740160
> looks suspicious. As you suggest to test it on batt, I'm unsure what to do
> now - get it replaced or exchange to IMPERIAL series.

I don't know the NUT code enough to comment.


Larry Fahnoe, Fahnoe Technology Consulting, fahnoe at FahnoeTech.com
           Minneapolis, Minnesota       www.FahnoeTech.com
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