[Nut-upsuser] Questions about Eaton 5E 1, 100W 2, 200VA 6-Outlet UPS
Michael Evans
mjevans1983 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 04:48:35 UTC 2016
This post is to share and ask for confirmation of the accuracy of my
thinking in relation to mapping the results of the measurements to the
configuration variables provided.
While setting up for this latest test I noticed an that the 60W bulb, when
combined with 3 power factor correcting PSUs of lower wattage devices, had
an effect of '6 units' of power output.
This leads me to a more logical conclusion of the percentage actually
representing approximately 9-10 watts per percent, but the UPS either
having difficulty measuring a more inductive loading or such a low loading.
In any event, even though I measured a voltage of 24.40 at the start of the
lower power test I'll pick what I guess is the more conservative value seen
in the previous test.
Similarly a smaller sample period allowed the observation of slightly lower
low voltages, which I shall also ignore.
After 29 min at approximately 10 units of load (it seemed to flux between a
mode average of 10 and 12 depending on which output winding was selected)
the incessant beeping stopped.
I'll round 1740 down for some additional padding.
driver = nutdrv_qx
port = auto
vendorid = 06da
productid = 0003
default.battery.voltage.high = 24.10
default.battery.voltage.low = 21.50
runtimecal = 450,32,1700,10
However, having just 100% drained (until the UPS shut it's self off) the
battery, and having given it only a few min to recharge a bit those
settings give an incorrect charge reading.
Should the default.battery.voltage.high be the value seen during on-line
power conditions (charged up)?
Will that have a negative effect on the (safe) accuracy of the remaining
*battery.charge: 100 *battery.voltage: 24.20
battery.voltage.high: 24.10
battery.voltage.low: 21.50
device.type: ups
driver.name: nutdrv_qx
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: auto
driver.parameter.productid: 0003
driver.parameter.runtimecal: 450,32,1700,10
driver.parameter.synchronous: no
driver.parameter.vendorid: 06da
driver.version: 2.7.4-151-g9209e18
driver.version.data: Q1 0.07
driver.version.internal: 0.28
input.frequency: 60.1
input.voltage: 122.3
input.voltage.fault: 122.0
output.voltage: 122.3
ups.beeper.status: enabled
ups.delay.shutdown: 30
ups.delay.start: 180
ups.load: 0
ups.productid: 0003
ups.status: OL
ups.type: offline / line interactive
ups.vendorid: 06da
Thank you in advance for any corrections to my understanding of the
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