[Nut-upsuser] SNMPv3 fails when more than one UPS is configured in ups.conf

Lee Damon nomad at ee.washington.edu
Tue Dec 5 16:27:43 UTC 2017

One thing I just noticed, all of the COMBAD and COMOK messages are about
the same UPS, the other two seem to be fine.


On 12/5/17 08:24 , Lee Damon wrote:
> I suspect there's a deeper problem here. This morning I came in to 22
> emails about COMBAD and 22 emails about COMOK from upsmon on the master
> host and a bunch more such messages from upsmon on my test clients. The
> time between BAD and OK is almost always 5 seconds (I presume this is
> the retry timer setting). Oddly enough, the complaint times on the test
> clients don't always match up with the complaint times on the master.
> Sometimes they both complain at the same time, sometimes the master
> complains but the client doesn't, and some times the client complains
> but the master doesn't. I don't remember seeing this at all when I was
> using SNMPv1 but I didn't use that for very long so it's possible I just
> didn't see it because it hadn't happened yet. I think I'm going to
> switch the config to SNMPv1 for a while and see if the problem persists.

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