[Nut-upsuser] Why are LAN ports not standard on UPSs these days?

Larry Fahnoe fahnoe at fahnoetech.com
Sun Jun 25 13:26:52 UTC 2017

Hi Phil,

I don't have an answer to your question about the lack of LAN ports, but
can offer my experience with NUT for a home server environment.  I've
tended to prefer the Tripp-Lite UPS systems, mainly because I originally
felt they did a good job of power filtering.  I use a NUT master running on
a Raspberry Pi 3 which is easy to maintain and gets current updates via its
Debian roots.  I have two environments, one with a much older UPS which has
only serial, but the addition of a tiny card with a MAX3232 level-shifter
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11189 allows the RPi to communicate
nicely, the second environment uses a USB connection from the RPi to the
UPS.  Both work very well with NUT, and then communicate with NUT clients
on the other systems.  I like that the RPi allows me to separate the NUT
master function from the main virtualization hosts, currently CentOS/KVM in
this case.

The real key is to ensure NUT supports the UPS, and then from there an
effort to use currently supported versions of NUT on a platform which is
receiving updates & life is quite good.


On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 7:53 AM, Philip Rhoades <phil at pricom.com.au> wrote:

> People,
> A couple of decades before I was retired and was still working for other
> people I had cause to install UPSs and they usually had RS232 ports to
> allow the setting up of shutdown scripts to UNIX / Linux servers.  Now,
> after not having to be concerned by those issues for some time - most of my
> little web sites have been on Digital Ocean or other suppliers VMs for a
> long time - I am shutting down my DO servers and bringing my sites
> in-house.  However, now I need to be concerned about reliable power again
> so I have spent a bit of time looking at options and I don't understand why
> most of the UPS offerings available do not come standard with a LAN port?
> Why is this?
> Do people have suggestions about my options?  I have two main machines -
> say 250-400W total and a few small devices inc a Billion router and some
> USB devices.  It would be nice to have at say 5-10 minutes battery backup
> before sending shutdown messages to the Linux machines.
> Thanks,
> Phil.
> --
> Philip Rhoades
> PO Box 896
> Cowra  NSW  2794
> Australia
> E-mail:  phil at pricom.com.au
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Larry Fahnoe, Fahnoe Technology Consulting, fahnoe at FahnoeTech.com
           Minneapolis, Minnesota       www.FahnoeTech.com
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