[Nut-upsuser] unsupported triplite device for network UPS tool add on

Dylan McDermott dbdmcdermott at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 17:09:13 BST 2020

 Add-on: Network UPS Tools Manage battery backup (UPS)
Add-on version: 0.2.0 You are running the latest version of this
add-on. System: HassOS 4.10  (armv7 / raspberrypi4) Home Assistant
Core: 0.110.7 Home Assistant Supervisor:
227----------------------------------------------------------- Please,
share the above information when looking for help or support in, e.g.,
GitHub, forums or the Discord
[cont-init.d] 00-banner.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 01-log-level.sh: executing...
[cont-init.d] 01-log-level.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] nut.sh: executing...
[09:06:37] INFO: Setting mode to netserver...
[09:06:37] INFO: Generating /etc/nut/upsd.users...
[09:06:37] INFO: Configuring user: nutty
[09:06:38] INFO: Password is NOT in the Have I Been Pwned database! Nice!
[09:06:39] INFO: Configuring Device named myups...
[09:06:39] INFO: Starting the UPS drivers...
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 3.8.0-3396-gcdc7c4b5b1
Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.41 (3.8.0-3396-gcdc7c4b5b1)
This TrippLite device (09ae:3024) is not (or perhaps not yet) supported
by usbhid-ups. Please make sure you have an up-to-date version of NUT. If
this does not fix the problem, try running the driver with the
'-x productid=3024' option. Please report your results to the NUT user's
mailing list <nut-upsuser at lists.alioth.debian.org>.
No matching HID UPS found
USB communication driver 0.33
Driver failed to start (exit status=1)
[cont-init.d] nut.sh: exited 1.
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] 99-message.sh: executing...
    Oops! Something went wrong. We are so sorry, but something went
terribly wrong when starting or running this add-on.  Be sure to check
the log above, line by line, for
-------------- next part --------------
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