[Nut-upsuser] New stable release of NUT after 2.7.4?

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 16:51:45 GMT 2021

On Jan 10, 2021, at 8:29 AM, Dan Langille via Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser at alioth-lists.debian.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 10, 2021, at 8:12 AM, Jim Klimov wrote:
>> On January 10, 2021 11:12:48 AM UTC, Victor Hooi via Nut-upsuser 
>> <nut-upsuser at alioth-lists.debian.net> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The last release of NUT seems to be 2.7.4, from 2016.
>>> However, from the Github, there does seem to be a lot of activity, and
>>> I
>>> know Jim recently took on maintainership.
>>> Just wondering - are there plans to cut a new stable release of NUT
>>> anytime
>>> soon?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Victor
>> Yes there are; my personal priorities were to first reduce or remove 
>> warnings from modern linters (clang-9 started out with about 2000 
>> cases, now down to ~1000) and integrate some or all of the libusb-1.0 
>> support proposed quite a while ago now (with linter making sure this 
>> does not add much mess) and a few other PRs.
> Is there a list of those 1000 warnings? A way for folks to find them?
> This might be an easy way for people to contribute by providing patches.

I would say that stress-testing the libusb-1.0 branch(es) on various UPSes would be a more effective way for someone who is unfamiliar with the codebase to help. At this point, a lot of the remaining warnings are either platform-specific, or the fixes require driver/protocol-specific knowledge in order to ensure that the warning fix is not worse than the current state.


I personally don't see libusb-1.0 or the warnings as being blockers for a new release (we have plenty more fixes in the master branch that seem more likely to benefit users), but also I don't have the time to do a proper release myself (and the procedure for creating, validating and testing a release for an autoconf-based project like NUT is far more complicated than "git tag"), so I am deferring to Jim on the release.

The list of other open issues that we had targeted for a 2.7.5 release are here: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/milestone/7

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