[Nut-upsuser] Discontinuous output of a LIST RANGE command ?

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 18:21:16 BST 2021

On Jun 19, 2021, at 10:55 AM, Roger Price wrote:
> During the ISE review of the proposed RFC, the IETF editor has asked for clarification of the output of command LIST RANGE <upsname> <varname>.
> The Developer Guide Chapter 9 https://networkupstools.org/docs/developer-guide.chunked/ar01s09.html "Network Protocol Information" provides the following example of the output of a LIST RANGE command:
> BEGIN LIST RANGE su700 input.transfer.low
> RANGE su700 input.transfer.low "90" "100"
> RANGE su700 input.transfer.low "102" "105"
> ...
> END LIST RANGE su700 input.transfer.low
> The RANGE entries are not contiguous. There is a gap between "100" and "102". Is this correct?
Unfortunately, I don't think we have an example of the full set of data for the su700 UPS mentioned there. The only use of this in recent history seems to be in nutdrv_qx (search for dstate_addrange()).

The way I read the protocol document, though, the gap seems intentional. Otherwise, a single range from 90 to 105 could have been used. I suspect this was intended for cases where the low voltage is relative to a 110/220V setting (e.g. you can't set the low voltage to be something in the middle like 150V). I admit this sounds contrived; however, the NUT code seems to support multiple discontinuous ranges as shown in that example.

Here is a real-world example of a single range per variable:


This would probably yield:

BEGIN LIST RANGE inelt input.transfer.low
RANGE inelt input.transfer.low "40" "47"
END LIST RANGE inelt input.transfer.low

> Roger
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Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail

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