[Nut-upsuser] Smart-UPS 1500 info though usbhid and apcsmart

Andrea Venturoli ml at netfence.it
Wed Sep 22 13:05:49 BST 2021

On 9/21/21 3:09 PM, Matthieu CERDA via Nut-upsuser wrote:
> Hello,


> Since, apparently, switching from USB to serial management on those 
> requires restarting the UPS (and possibly a brain dead reset), I wanted 
> to know if you think switching from USB to serial would yield a more 
> complete feature set ?

I've got a Smart-UPS 1500 attached via USB and I'm seeing the same 
features as you see; so I guess answer is no.

As a side note, apcupsd gives me OUTPUTV (but no INPUTV) on one older 
(2006) Smart-UPS 1500, but it's missing on newer (~2019) ones (!!!).

 > battery.voltage: 40.9
 > battery.voltage.nominal: 36.0

Just out of curiosity, do you have three 12V batteries inside the UPS?
All the SmartUPS 1500 I've seen has two... (i.e. 


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