[Nut-upsuser] NUT v2.8.0(-rc1)

Jim Klimov jimklimov+nut at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 11:16:29 BST 2022

Hello all,

  A concern was raised (in issue #1344 among other things dealing with
recent git-source NUT setup on Rocky Linux 8) that new systemd service
definitions misbehaved on a client-only system.

  Per report, the `nut-monitor.service` (which both `Wants` and is `After`
the `nut-server.service`) did not even try to start on a system without a
`nut-server` unit defined (if I got their setup right) until the "After"
constraint was removed (`Wants` is still there), e.g. it was not
auto-starting upsmon after a reboot. I can't exclude that the issue got
fixed by something else done during investigation, though.

  My understanding was that `Wants` is a weak dependency - telling systemd
to try starting stuff and move on (unlike `Requires` or `Requisite` that
consider success of that attempt), and `After` queues the start of current
unit to begin after the listed one gets into a definitive state (or
necessarily success?).

  If it really does not work like that when the listed unit is not known
(and/or is known but masked and may not start ever?), I'm in for a bit of
surprise =D and would welcome suggestions about optional dependencies of
this sort.

  It can also help if people try to reproduce the situation in their Linux
distros (old and new), maybe something works differently in various systemd
versions out there.

  At least, this is something to get a better understanding of before
cutting a release.

Thanks in advance,
Jim Klimov

On Fri, Apr 1, 2022, 02:01 Jim Klimov <jimklimov+nut at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, fellow NUTs!
>   It is with a [happy] heart that I must proclaim today, that the long
> reign of NUT v2.7.4 is coming to an end. Its anticipated successor of half
> a dozen years, release-in-waiting NUT v2.7.5 has also quietly expired, and
> [won't] be sorely missed. They were survived by the next name in line, NUT
> v2.8.0(-rc1). Le NUT est mort, long live the NUT!
>   Along just this leg of the journey, NUT codebase survived at least four
> separate CI farms and technologies to make its builds easier and more
> reliable, all while succeeding on a wide range of CPU and OS platforms,
> ranging from current distros to the dawn of millenium (nearly-immutable
> appliances and sturdy reliable servers matter too!), as well as multiple
> generations and implementations of compiler toolkits, "make" and scripted
> code interpreters involved.
>   We are grateful to the many freely available projects, services and
> communities who helped us in particular (maybe unwittingly) and the FOSS
> ecosystem in general (intentionally), such as (and not limited to)
> Asciidoc, Autotools and family, BuildBot, CCache, Clang/LLVM, FossHost,
> GCC, GitHub, Google, illumos, Jenkins, LiberaChat, Proxmox, QEMU,
> StackExchange, Travis, ZeroMQ... bits here, swathes there - it would have
> been much harder without the likes of them (and many others).
>   Advances in compiler code analysis in particular, as is seen on a daily
> basis with CI non-regression builds across the range of 10 major releases
> of clang and 7 of gcc, is immense. At times annoying, yes, but it led to a
> great cleansing of the codebase from questionable code (and indeed some
> potential bugs). And it was possible to do so in a way that all those
> regularly tested systems are satisfied, so the codebase stays clean and
> green and portable as we iterate new contributions, and merged with peace
> of mind many ports and features from long-awaited branches (such as
> libusb-1.0+0.1 support finally), or forks (notably 42ity/nut).
>   Let me take a moment to tender our special thanks from both the
> maintainer team and countless users of UPS, ePDU, solar panel and similar
> hardware, to numerous personal and corporate contributors of new drivers
> and features or fixes for existing ones, as well as to community members
> who ask and answer questions, and who log github issues with their ideas,
> experiences or grievances.
>   As always we would welcome people willing to regularly share their
> expertise in certain areas and tools (in particular, thanks @nbriggs for
> solving many practical mysteries around USB bit-stream lately), or
> protocols (more active experts on prolific Qx family would be great for PR
> reviews), or  packaging, service and distro integrations, or HCL/DDL
> maintenance based on reports trickling in... just about anything!
>   While we have a lot of features queued to complete or port for the next
> releases (hopefully with a healthier cadence), we expect to see more
> feedback by exposing thevrelease, and hope for little fallout from the many
> changes made while cleaning up the warnings.
>   Handing over to creative packagers now...
> Jim Klimov,
> on behalf of the Network UPS Tools Project
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