[Nut-upsuser] NUT website update, and plans for 2.7.5 release

Jim Klimov jimklimov+nut at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 21:28:01 GMT 2022

Hello all,

Somewhat in relation to FOSDEM as a nice point on the calendar, and largely
to address the lags we've had with publication of HCL and DDL information,
and also as a side project of preparing for a new release (that should
better list the currently known compatible hardware), the NUT website
generation approach was changed.

For the past years, https://networkupstools.org/ served documentation pages
generated from the last tagged NUT release, such as `v2.7.4`, the nut-ddl,
source and package archives, and some news and other nut-website media
beside that. This allowed the site to be helpful for users of the latest
release (via OS packaging) but did not reflect the changes which happened
since then in the current development branch - including possibly having
fixed issues or added support for things people are asking about.

Now the site generation recipes were restructured to help it be
CI-automated (some day, not immediately) along with nut and nut-ddl
commits, so the main pages would follow the evolution of codebase closely.
For the users of historic releases there would be sub-site snapshots such
as https://networkupstools.org/historic/v2.7.4/ with the reference data
relevant for them (and some shared across sub-sites - the DDL, sources and
packages). Such pages should be clearly marked (title and a note on top)
that they reflect a particular historic release set in stone, as opposed to
newer evolution.

Conversely, the footer of the rolling web-site now says which commits of
several source repos it was generated from, and not just "2.7.4" as it did

One big effort remaining ahead is to go through github issues, PRs and
mailing list archives for the past couple of years, to update the HCL
(nut::data/drivers.list.in) and DDL with reports diligently posted by our
community but possibly not acted upon and forgotten. I assume there are a
few dozen such items, and better get the HCL ones committed before cutting
a new NUT release.

Other than that, a few PRs remain that I want to revise and merge before
the release, so it is a good time for community members to build current
NUT master and see if anything looks worse than it was (lots of refactoring
and warnings-fighting gives a lot of opportunity for fallout), to help make
the pending release a successful one! (Who wants a blooper and
laughing-stock after 6 years in the making?)

Jim Klimov
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