[Nut-upsuser] UPS triphase or 3-phase : how to get values for L1, L2 , L3

Christian HUGUES chugues at ilm.pf
Tue Jul 19 23:42:02 BST 2022

Hello, we have a triphase UPS (or 3-phase). It is a UPS Infosec Mod5TE and we use the driver “blazer_usb” (available in /lib/nut/).
The “nut” version is : 2.7.2
On Ubuntu 16.04.1
The UPS is connected with USB.

When I use the shell command : upsc ups

I have the value of “ups.load” but this value is the average of the UPS load .. I would like to get the value for each phase (L1, L2, L3).
How can I do that ?


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