[Nut-upsuser] battery.voltage Powercom Macan MRT-3000

Alex Rydzewski arydzewski at elyland.net
Fri Jan 13 12:31:04 GMT 2023

I suppose, this approach may be apply to some other data from that UPS. 
I could check another values and ask powercom support for other data 
items to explain interpretation, if it will help.

On 13.01.23 14:22, Greg Troxel wrote:
> That makes sense to me.   The field needs to be split into bytes.  The
> low byte is the integer part of voltags, and the high part is units of
> 10 mV.  And this is per cell.
> Probably the unit is measuring the total and then dividing by 36.  But
> volts per cell will have the same interpretation for varying cell
> counts, so it's a nice representation.

З найкращими побажаннями, Олександр Ридзевський	|With best regards, Mr. Alexander Rydzewski,	|С наилучшими пожеланиями, Александр Рыдзевский
Системний та мережевий інженер, Elyland ltd.	|System and Network Engineer at Elyland ltd.	|Системный и сетевой инженер, Elyland ltd.

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