[Nut-upsuser] usbhid-ups not loading with Arduino Leonardo on Ubuntu 23.10

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 11:06:02 GMT 2023

On Oct 29, 2023, at 10:17 PM, Kelly Byrd <kbyrd at memcpy.com> wrote:
> >  VID 2341 doesn't show up in the NUT Git source tree.
> I was curious about this so just searched for Arduino and then 2341. I found a few hits, but the interesting one was  in nut/drivers
> /arduino-hid.c
Sorry, I made a mistake while searching for the VID. That should work.

> Is it possible I need to compile NUT myself instead of using the Ubuntu package?

Looks like it, since it looks like a few extra debug statements are needed to understand why the driver isn't working properly.

These instructions allow you to configure the NUT source tree to install over the locations that the .deb files use:


Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail

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