[Nut-upsuser] NUT 2.8.1-3 " Can't claim USB device [051d:0002]@0/0: Entity not found" using usbhid-ups

Jim Klimov jimklimov+nut at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 16:56:50 GMT 2024


  Per (4) I think the driver wrapped into the systemd service unit instance
is just running, auto-started by the OS just like other services... Make
sure `nut-server.service` is also running, and check `upsc apcupskelder` if
it just returns the data of the device? So the problems seen with manual
starts via `upsdrvctl` are most likely conflicts against the copy of the
same driver started by systemd (and/or revived after the
`upsdrvctl`-started sibling kills it); more details in that wiki article on
NDE linked earlier.

  Otherwise, in (1) `chown`'s might have been a problem or not, it depends
on how your system starts those daemons (upsd, upsmon, drivers...). If they
begin life as `root` and drop privileges - they might care less about
config file permissions, at least until/unless they reload and at that time
run as a different user (after dropping privilege) than the one allowed to
read config files (e.g. if you finalize on `nutmon` for
nut-monitor.service, while its `upsmon.conf` is only visible to `nut` per
packaging, or vice-versa).

  For (2), seems OK. For (3) - my bad, I mistook the `nut-scanner` output
for what you used in configs, while scrolling around the mail :)


On Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 4:06 PM Erik De Boeck <deboeck.erik at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> Thanks for your help. I'll respond in the same order as you did:
>    1. Unfortunately, I did "chown" stuff to these created users... Since
>    the other three responses don't seem to be what you're looking for (but
>    that's only my uninformed interpretation), I suppose the problem lies here?
>    Is there a number of files/directories that I should "chown" again
>    with user "nut"?
>    2. ```
>    erik at MinipcLG2:/usr/lib/udev/rules.d$ cat
>    /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/62-nut-usbups.rules | grep 051d
>    ATTR{idVendor}=="051d", ATTR{idProduct}=="0000", MODE="664",
>    GROUP="nut"
>    ATTR{idVendor}=="051d", ATTR{idProduct}=="0002", MODE="664",
>    GROUP="nut"
>    ATTR{idVendor}=="051d", ATTR{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="664",
>    GROUP="nut"
>    ATTR{idVendor}=="051d", ATTR{idProduct}=="0004", MODE="664",
>    GROUP="nut"
>    ```
>    3. I believe I commented these away? Are you suggesting I change
>    something?
>    4. ```
>    erik at MinipcLG2:/usr/lib/udev/rules.d$ systemctl status
>    nut-driver at apcupskelder.service
>nut-driver at apcupskelder.service - Network UPS Tools - device driver
>    for NUT device 'apcupskelder'
>         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nut-driver at .service;
>    enabled; preset: enabled)
>        Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/nut-driver at apcupskelder.service.d
>                 └─nut-driver-enumerator-generated-checksum.conf,
>    nut-driver-enumerator-generated.conf
>         Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-11-01 01:26:41 CET; 14h
>    ago
>       Main PID: 1141 (usbhid-ups)
>          Tasks: 1 (limit: 9284)
>         Memory: 1.0M (peak: 1.9M)
>            CPU: 43.317s
>         CGroup:
>    /system.slice/system-nut\x2ddriver.slice/nut-driver at apcupskelder.service
>                 └─1141 /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -a apcupskelder
>    nov 01 01:26:40 MinipcLG2 nut-driver at apcupskelder[1068]: HIDParse:
>    LogMax is less than LogMin. Vendor HID report descriptor may be incorrect;
>    interpreting >
>    nov 01 01:26:40 MinipcLG2 nut-driver at apcupskelder[1068]: HIDParse:
>    LogMax is less than LogMin. Vendor HID report descriptor may be incorrect;
>    interpreting >
>    nov 01 01:26:40 MinipcLG2 nut-driver at apcupskelder[1068]: Using
>    subdriver: APC HID 0.100
>    nov 01 01:26:40 MinipcLG2 nut-driver at apcupskelder[1068]: Network UPS
>    Tools - Generic HID driver 0.52 (2.8.1)
>    nov 01 01:26:40 MinipcLG2 nut-driver at apcupskelder[1068]: USB
>    communication driver (libusb 1.0) 0.46
>    nov 01 01:26:41 MinipcLG2 usbhid-ups[1141]: Startup successful
>    nov 01 01:26:41 MinipcLG2 usbhid-ups[1141]: upsnotify: failed to
>    notify about state 2: no notification tech defined, will not spam more
>    about it
>    nov 01 01:26:41 MinipcLG2 nut-driver at apcupskelder[911]: Network UPS
>    Tools - UPS driver controller 2.8.1
>    nov 01 01:26:41 MinipcLG2 systemd[1]: Started
>    nut-driver at apcupskelder.service - Network UPS Tools - device driver
>    for NUT device 'apcupskelder'.
>    nov 01 01:26:42 MinipcLG2 usbhid-ups[1141]: sock_connect: enabling
>    asynchronous mode (auto)
>    lines 1-22/22 (END)
>    ```
> Thanks in advance for your further guidance!
> Kind regards,
> Erik
> Op vr 1 nov 2024 om 15:42 schreef Jim Klimov <jimklimov+nut at gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>>   I was thinking about what could be going wrong here, and a few ideas
>> pop up:
>> 1) If you installed NUT from packaging, there should have been no need to
>> add OS groups/users manually. There is a valid use-case for running
>> different daemons under different accounts, as long as they talk over
>> network and access same files or UNIX sockets at best by sharing a group
>> for that, but it does need some careful planning to pull off :)
>> In the worst case, if you also "chown"ed something to these new accounts,
>> and if no daemon actually runs as those, you've locked out the daemons from
>> some access.
>> 2) Access to USB device filesystem nodes should be governed with udev on
>> that platform, check if you have a file like
>> /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/62-nut-usbups.rules and if it lists USB IDs of your
>> device 051d:0002
>> 3) Driver options bus, device, busport can depend on topology and
>> enumeration of connected devices; it may be wise to comment them away.
>> Later NUT versions already do not default to offering them in `nut-scanner`
>> output, to minimize run-time surprises.
>> 4) See if you already have a service instance
>> `nut-driver at apcupskelder.service` defined and running, since NUT v2.8.0
>> https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/wiki/nut%E2%80%90driver%E2%80%90enumerator-(NDE)
>> could have created it - but the older blogs/videos do not reflect this
>> facility. The "terminating other driver" seems to be a clue in that
>> direction. Maybe that other copy of the driver is what holds the USB port.
>> Also avoid `upsdrvctl` in that case.
>> Notably, if the driver already runs under that service, and `upsd
>> apcupskelder` returns data - maybe you don't have to do anything.
>> There might be some other loose threads to pull, but please check these
>> ones first as most likely :)
>> Jim
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 11:58 AM Erik De Boeck via Nut-upsuser <
>> nut-upsuser at alioth-lists.debian.net> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Yesterday, I bought a UPS for the first time in my life, and was eager
>>> to dive into NUT. But not all is working as expected... I saw a similar
>>> thread started on 18 October, but it didn't help me. (I also spent a
>>> handful of hours searching the web for solutions, and of course read the
>>> manual and FAQ - "queequeg".)
>>> I tried shutting my UPS (APC "Back-UPS BX750MI  FW:295202G -302202G")
>>> down with `sudo upsdrvctl shutdown`, but no response. Digging around, I
>>> found a few things that raised my suspicion, but I can't figure it out...
>>> I followed this fine gentleman's guide (but tweaked it a bit - I don't
>>> know why he uses `master` and `slave` for example?):
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyBP7wpN72c.
>>> I must add that I created a few users and user groups during
>>> installation and configuration, following the documentation. But in the
>>> end, I lost oversight, and everything didn't work. So it's entirely
>>> possible there's a permissions issue somewhere. But I don't have any idea
>>> where...
>>> Because of the trial-and-error approach, in the `.conf` files (shown
>>> below), a lot of stuff is commented out. I assume I can delete it, but I
>>> also assume the `#` should be adequate? Anyway, I keep it in the output
>>> below for clarity.
>>> I'll just paste various outputs here, I hope that's a reasonable
>>> approach?
>>> Thanks in advance for anyone's help!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Erik
>>> PS. I also created a GitHub issue (
>>> https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/2666). Maybe doing that
>>> AND mailing this, is not the correct procedure? In that case, I apologize.
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ sudo upsdrvctl shutdown apcupskelder
>>> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.8.1
>>> Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.52 (2.8.1)
>>> USB communication driver (libusb 1.0) 0.46
>>> select with socket: Invalid argument
>>> Can't claim USB device [051d:0002]@0/0: Entity not found
>>> upsnotify: failed to notify about state 4: no notification tech defined,
>>> will not spam more about it
>>> Driver failed to start (exit status=1)
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ sudo nut-scanner -U
>>> Scanning USB bus.
>>> [nutdev1]
>>>         driver = "usbhid-ups"
>>>         port = "auto"
>>>         vendorid = "051D"
>>>         productid = "0002"
>>>         product = "Back-UPS BX750MI  FW:295202G -302202G"
>>>         serial = "9B2416A22014"
>>>         vendor = "American Power Conversion"
>>>         bus = "001"
>>>         device = "004"
>>>         busport = "002"
>>>         ###NOTMATCHED-YET###bcdDevice = "0106"
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/etc/nut$ sudo usbhid-ups -a apcupskelder
>>> sudo: usbhid-ups: opdracht niet gevonden
>>> ```
>>> This seems strange? But after some googling, I found the below
>>> alternative - although I would expect it to work without `/lib/nut/`):
>>> ````
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ sudo /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -a apcupskelder
>>> Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.52 (2.8.1)
>>> USB communication driver (libusb 1.0) 0.46
>>> Duplicate driver instance detected (PID file
>>> /run/nut/usbhid-ups-apcupskelder.pid exists)! Terminating other driver!
>>> Bericht aan allen van root at MinipcLG2 (somewhere) (Wed Oct 30 10:27:32
>>> 2024):
>>> Communications with UPS apcupskelder at localhost lost
>>> Bericht aan allen van root at MinipcLG2 (somewhere) (Wed Oct 30 10:27:32
>>> 2024):
>>> Communications with UPS apcupskelder at localhost lost
>>> HIDParse: LogMax is less than LogMin. Vendor HID report descriptor may
>>> be incorrect; interpreting LogMax -1 as 255 in ReportID: 0x0c
>>> HIDParse: LogMax is less than LogMin. Vendor HID report descriptor may
>>> be incorrect; interpreting LogMax -1 as 255 in ReportID: 0x22
>>> HIDParse: LogMax is less than LogMin. Vendor HID report descriptor may
>>> be incorrect; interpreting LogMax -1 as 255 in ReportID: 0x40
>>> Using subdriver: APC HID 0.100
>>> Bericht aan allen van root at MinipcLG2 (somewhere) (Wed Oct 30 10:27:40
>>> 2024):
>>> Communications with UPS apcupskelder at localhost established
>>> Bericht aan allen van root at MinipcLG2 (somewhere) (Wed Oct 30 10:27:48
>>> 2024):
>>> Communications with UPS apcupskelder at localhost lost
>>> Bericht aan allen van root at MinipcLG2 (somewhere) (Wed Oct 30 10:27:56
>>> 2024):
>>> Communications with UPS apcupskelder at localhost established
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ cat /etc/group | grep nut
>>> users:x:100:nutuser,nutmon
>>> nut:x:130:
>>> nutuser:x:1002:
>>> nutgroup:x:1003:nutuser
>>> nutmon:x:1004:
>>> nutmongroep:x:1005:nutmon
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ lsusb
>>> Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
>>> Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices
>>> International, Ltd FT232 Serial (UART) IC
>>> Bus 001 Device 004: ID 051d:0002 American Power Conversion
>>> Uninterruptible Power Supply
>>> Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001/004
>>> crw-rw-r-- 1 root nut 189, 3 okt 30 10:31 /dev/bus/usb/001/004
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ cat /etc/os-release
>>> NAME="Linux Mint"
>>> VERSION="22 (Wilma)"
>>> ID=linuxmint
>>> ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian"
>>> PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 22"
>>> VERSION_ID="22"
>>> HOME_URL="https://www.linuxmint.com/"
>>> SUPPORT_URL="https://forums.linuxmint.com/"
>>> http://linuxmint-troubleshooting-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/"
>>> PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.linuxmint.com/"
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ hostnamectl
>>>  Static hostname: MinipcLG2
>>>        Icon name: computer-desktop
>>>          Chassis: desktop 🖥️
>>>       Machine ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>          Boot ID:  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Operating System: Linux Mint 22
>>>           Kernel: Linux 6.8.0-47-generic
>>>     Architecture: x86-64
>>>  Hardware Vendor: HP
>>>   Hardware Model: HP EliteDesk 800 G2 DM 65W
>>> Firmware Version: N21 Ver. 02.10
>>>    Firmware Date: Sun 2016-01-24
>>>     Firmware Age: 8y 9month 6d
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ uname -r
>>> 6.8.0-47-generic
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ sudo apt list nut*
>>> Bezig met oplijsten... Klaar
>>> nut-cgi/noble,now 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64 [geïnstalleerd]
>>> nut-client/noble,now 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64 [geïnstalleerd]
>>> nut-doc/noble 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 all
>>> nut-i2c/noble 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64
>>> nut-ipmi/noble 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64
>>> nut-modbus/noble 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64
>>> nut-monitor/noble 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 all
>>> nut-powerman-pdu/noble 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64
>>> nut-server/noble,now 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64 [geïnstalleerd]
>>> nut-snmp/noble 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64
>>> nut-xml/noble 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 amd64
>>> nut/noble,now 2.8.1-3.1ubuntu2 all [geïnstalleerd]
>>> nutcracker/noble 0.5.0+dfsg-2 amd64
>>> nutsqlite/noble 2.0.6-4 all
>>> nuttcp/noble 6.1.2-4build1 amd64
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/$ sudo /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -DDD -a apcupskelder
>>> Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.52 (2.8.1)
>>> USB communication driver (libusb 1.0) 0.46
>>>    0.000000     [D3] do_global_args: var='pollinterval' val='1'
>>>    0.000024     [D1] testval_reloadable: setting 'pollinterval' exists
>>> and differs: new value '1' vs. '2'
>>>    0.000057     [D3] do_global_args: var='maxretry' val='3'
>>>    0.000083     [D3] main_arg: var='driver' val='usbhid-ups'
>>>    0.000108     [D3] main_arg: var='port' val='auto'
>>>    0.000136     [D3] main_arg: var='desc' val='Back-UPS BX750MI
>>>  FW:295202G -302202G'
>>>    0.000152     [D3] main_arg: var='vendorid' val='051d'
>>>    0.000179     [D3] main_arg: var='productid' val='0002'
>>>    0.000203     [D3] main_arg: var='serial' val='9B2416A22014'
>>>    0.000248     [D1] Network UPS Tools version 2.8.1 (release/snapshot
>>> of 2.8.1) built with gcc (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu2) 13.2.0 and configured
>>> with flags: --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr
>>> --includedir=${prefix}/include --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
>>> --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
>>> --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules
>>> --libdir=${prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --runstatedir=/run
>>> --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=
>>> --sysconfdir=/etc/nut --includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man
>>> --libdir=${prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/libexec
>>> --with-ssl --with-nss --with-cgi --with-dev --enable-static
>>> --with-statepath=/run/nut --with-altpidpath=/run/nut
>>> --with-drvpath=/lib/nut --with-cgipath=/usr/lib/cgi-bin/nut
>>> --with-htmlpath=/usr/share/nut/www --with-pidpath=/run/nut
>>> --datadir=/usr/share/nut
>>> --with-pkgconfig-dir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig --with-user=nut
>>> --with-group=nut --with-udev-dir=/lib/udev
>>> --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system
>>> --with-systemdshutdowndir=/lib/systemd/system-shutdown
>>> --with-systemdtmpfilesdir=/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d --with-python=python3
>>> --with-python3=/usr/bin/python3 --with-doc=man,html-single,html-chunked,pdf
>>>    0.000352     [D1] debug level is '3'
>>>    0.002200     [D1] Succeeded to become_user(nut): now UID=121 GID=130
>>>    0.002266     [D1] upsdrv_initups (non-SHUT)...
>>>    0.002285     [D2] Initializing an USB-connected UPS with library
>>> libusb-1.0.27 (API: 0x100010a) (NUT subdriver name='USB communication
>>> driver (libusb 1.0)' ver='0.46')
>>>    0.008020     [D2] Checking device 1 of 4 (1D6B/0003)
>>>    0.008045     [D1] Failed to open device (1D6B/0003), skipping: Access
>>> denied (insufficient permissions)
>>>    0.008052     [D2] Checking device 2 of 4 (0403/6001)
>>>    0.008064     [D1] Failed to open device (0403/6001), skipping: Access
>>> denied (insufficient permissions)
>>>    0.008079     [D2] Checking device 3 of 4 (051D/0002)
>>>    0.010003     [D2] - VendorID: 051d
>>>    0.010014     [D2] - ProductID: 0002
>>>    0.010018     [D2] - Manufacturer: American Power Conversion
>>>    0.010022     [D2] - Product: Back-UPS BX750MI  FW:295202G -302202G
>>>    0.010026     [D2] - Serial Number: 9B2416A22014
>>>    0.010030     [D2] - Bus: 001
>>>    0.010034     [D2] - Bus Port: 002
>>>    0.010038     [D2] - Device: 004
>>>    0.010042     [D2] - Device release number: 0106
>>>    0.010046     [D2] Trying to match device
>>>    0.010058     [D2] match_function_subdriver (non-SHUT mode): matching
>>> a device...
>>>    0.010068     [D3] match_function_regex: matching a device...
>>>    0.010145     [D2] Device matches
>>>    0.010155     [D2] Reading first configuration descriptor
>>>    0.010172     [D3] libusb_kernel_driver_active() returned 0: Success
>>>    0.010186     [D2] failed to claim USB device: Resource busy
>>>    0.010198     [D2] Kernel driver already detached
>>>    0.010210     [D2] failed to claim USB device: Resource busy
>>>    0.010225     [D2] Kernel driver already detached
>>>    0.010237     [D2] failed to claim USB device: Resource busy
>>>    0.010249     [D2] Kernel driver already detached
>>>    0.010263     [D2] failed to claim USB device: Resource busy
>>>    0.010275     [D2] Kernel driver already detached
>>>    0.010286     Can't claim USB device [051d:0002]@0/0: Entity not found
>>>    0.010300     upsnotify: failed to notify about state 4: no
>>> notification tech defined, will not spam more about it
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/etc/nut$ sudo cat /etc/nut/hosts.conf
>>> MONITOR apcupskelder at localhost "APC-UPS kelder"
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/etc/nut$ sudo cat /etc/nut/nut.conf
>>> MODE=netserver
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/etc/nut$ sudo cat /etc/nut/ups.conf
>>> pollinterval = 1
>>> maxretry = 3
>>> [apcupskelder]
>>>         driver = usbhid-ups
>>>         port = auto
>>>         desc = "Back-UPS BX750MI  FW:295202G -302202G"
>>>         vendorid = 051d
>>>         productid = 0002
>>>         serial = 9B2416A22014
>>> #        vendor = "American Power Conversion"
>>> #        bus = 001
>>> #        device = 005
>>> #        busport = 002
>>>         ###NOTMATCHED-YET###bcdDevice = "0106"
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/etc/nut$ sudo cat /etc/nut/upsd.conf
>>> LISTEN 3493
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/etc/nut$ sudo cat /etc/nut/upsd.users
>>> #[bespieder]
>>> [monuser]
>>>   password  = indUStr*a
>>> #  bekijker primary
>>> #  admin master
>>>   admin primary
>>> ```
>>> ```
>>> erik at MinipcLG2:/etc/nut$ sudo cat /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
>>> #RUN_AS_USER nutgebruiker
>>> RUN_AS_USER root
>>> #MONITOR apcupskelder at localhost 1 bekijker indUStr*a primary
>>> #MONITOR apcupskelder at localhost 1 admin indUStr*a master
>>> MONITOR apcupskelder at localhost 1 admin indUStr*a primary
>>> SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h +0"
>>> NOTIFYCMD /usr/sbin/upssched
>>> POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/nut/killpower
>>> NOTIFYMSG ONLINE    "UPS %s on line power"
>>> NOTIFYMSG ONBATT    "UPS %s on battery"
>>> NOTIFYMSG LOWBATT   "UPS %s battery is low"
>>> NOTIFYMSG FSD       "UPS %s: forced shutdown in progress"
>>> NOTIFYMSG COMMOK    "Communications with UPS %s established"
>>> NOTIFYMSG COMMBAD   "Communications with UPS %s lost"
>>> NOTIFYMSG SHUTDOWN  "Auto logout and shutdown proceeding"
>>> NOTIFYMSG REPLBATT  "UPS %s battery needs to be replaced"
>>> NOTIFYMSG NOCOMM    "UPS %s is unavailable"
>>> NOTIFYMSG NOPARENT  "upsmon parent process died - shutdown impossible"
>>> RBWARNTIME 43200
>>> ```
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>>> Nut-upsuser at alioth-lists.debian.net
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