IDLE again

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Thu Dec 3 17:00:44 GMT 2009

Dominic LoBue wrote:

> I am willing to do the legwork myself on this one to get it working,
> though I could use your assistance in determining the best approach to
> take.


I suspect that the easiest options would be:

1) Identify and fix the bugs from imaplib2

2) Add IDLE support to imaplib (or use imaplib to provide it)

imaplib2 proved to be a massive user experience problem.  I don't like
the idea of being "buggy by default" (defaulting to imaplib2 with an
option to revert to imaplib), nor do I like a "more bugs please, but
also enable IDLE" sort of option (imaplib default with imaplib2 as an
option).  Enabling IDLE shouldn't cause people to have trouble.

> My other thought is to add IDLE support to the twisted imap client
> library, and switch offlineimap over to twisted.

I attempted that conversion myself some years ago, and had it mostly
working, but it was terrible to maintain.  There also seem to be
questions about the long-term viability of Twisted; I have heard that
they intend to never port it to Python 3.

> Can you point me towards any bug reports that you believe imaplib2 was
> responsible for?
has links to them.

the #5xxxxx are Debian bug reports, that you can view at

There is also a link to a mailing list post, as well as links to bugs at that URL.

-- John

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