Status flag lost when saving to folder with Gmail

Glen Pfeiffer glen at
Thu Dec 9 22:13:50 UTC 2010

Would someone that is using offlineimap with GMail please check 
to see if you also experience the problems I do? The steps to 
reproduce are very easy to execute.


On 01 Dec 2010, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I reported this issue in the bug tracker before it was closed 
> down. There was never any resolution to it, and since the 
> preferred mechanism is to discuss on the list, I am bringing it 
> up again.
> When I save an email to a label-folder (a folders that the Gmail 
> IMAP interface creates based on a Label), its "Read" status flag 
> is lost; first on the server and then on the client.
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Read a "New" mail in local mail client.
> 2. Save mail to "Follow Up" (just an example) and ensure it is 
>    marked as "Read".
> 3. Execute offlineimap.
> 4. View the "Follow Up" and "All Mail" folders in *local email 
>    client*.
>    Expected Result: The email should be *"Read"* in both folders.
>    Actual Result: The email is *"Read"* in both folders.
>    _(Everything appears fine in the local mail client)_
> 5. View the "Follow Up" and "All Mail" folders in *Gmail*.
>    Expected Result: The email should be *"Read"* in both folders.
>    Actual Result: The email is *"Unread"* in both folders.
>    _(The actual result is incorrect here)_
> I am not sure if these next steps are technically correct because 
> I do not know which repository should win in this situation. The 
> remote repository states that the email is "Unread" while the 
> local repository states it is "Read". But, from the users 
> standpoint, these steps are correct.
> 6. Execute offlineimap again.
> 7. View the "Follow Up" and "All Mail" folders in local email 
>    client.
>    Expected Result: The email should be *"Read"* in both folders.
>    Actual Result: The email is *"Unread"* in both folders.
>    _(The actual result is incorrect)_
> 8. View the "Follow Up" and "All Mail" folders in Gmail.
>    Expected Result: The email should be *"Read"* in both folders.
>    Actual Result: The email is *"Unread"* in both folders.
>    _(The actual result is incorrect)_
> I have confirmed that the correct behavior is experienced with 
> Thunderbird 2 & 3 via IMAP.
> There is a workaround to make this work. I am posting it in hopes 
> that it sheds light on the problem.
> 1. Read the email.
> 2. Save the mailbox.
> 3. Synchronize the account. This step ensures that the server 
>    knows the read status of the email.
> 4. Move the email to the new folder.
> 5. Synchronize the account. Since the server already knew the 
>    read status before we did this, it will retain the correct 
>    read status.
> Here are the relevant portions of my .offlineimaprc
> <code>
> [general]
> accounts = Personal
> maxsyncaccounts = 5
> ui = Noninteractive.Basic
> [Account Personal]
> localrepository = LocalPersonal
> remoterepository = RemotePersonal
> [Repository LocalPersonal]
> type = Maildir
> localfolders = ~/mail/personal
> [Repository RemotePersonal]
> type = Gmail
> remotehost =
> remoteuser = scrubbed
> remotepass = scrubbed
> ssl = yes
> realdelete = no
> </code>
> I have confirmed with one friend that he also experiences this 
> with offlineimap and Gmail. Does anyone else on the list 
> experience this? Is there a workaround?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Glen 

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