Status flag lost when saving to folder with Gmail

Glen Pfeiffer glen at
Fri Dec 10 23:48:05 UTC 2010

On 10 Dec 2010, Stefano Canepa wrote:
> In your email you cite Thunderbird as a MUA, are you 
> experiencing the describe problem _only_ with Thunderbird or 
> also using other MUAs?

Hi Stefano,

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I apologize for the confusion, but I meant that I did not 
experience this problem when I tested it with Thunderbird 
configured to use GMail's IMAP servers directly. I too use mutt, 
yet I always experience this issue regardless the MUA I use.

I schedule offlineimap as a cron job that runs every 10 minutes. 
Here is an example scenario:

13:00 - Offlineimap performs a sync
13:02 - I read email 1234 (obviously I am just making up an id)
13:03 - I finish reading email 1234, mark it as read, and save it
        to a folder.
13:10 - Offlineimap performs a sync
13:11 - Log into GMail and find email 1234 where I saved it, and
        it shows up as Not Read.

I have tried modifying my behaviour so that the above looks like 

13:00 - Offlineimap performs a sync
13:02 - I read email 1234 (obviously I am just making up an id)
13:03 - I finish reading email 1234, mark it as read.
13:10 - Offlineimap performs a sync
13:11 - Save email 1234 to a folder.
13:12 - Log into GMail and find email 1234 where I saved it, and
        it shows up as Read.

As long as I let offlineimap perform a sync before I move the 
email, the change to the status will be retained. Unfortunately, 
that leads to a pile of email that I forgot to go back and move. 


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